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Posts posted by Screwloose

  1. I think you've got a pretty interesting character from what you've said. I also agree with you on the powers front, I've tried to keep Screwloose from being overpowered as much as possible- He doesn't have a prime invincibility and his powers rely more on how he applies them than brute strength. I'm not sure whether I've been successful or not but I do try. It'll definitely be interesting to see someone using their intelligence rather than raw power. Anyway back to science and theorizing:


    How do people here feel about anti Hemalurgist weaponry? I've been theorizing for a while that metals that can't carry a charge could potentially block Hemalurgy if inserted into a bind point. Since I never managed to actually use one on a Hemalurgist i'd like opinions on whether the idea is viable and if so how many can I put you all down for? 

  2. "Why you must have me mistaken for some dashing goggle wearing epic, who i'm told is also a master of disguise. I am merely a regular non powered human. Heh." *Screwloose fidgets conspicuously.*


    Sorry, couldn't resist one last bit of role play. I'm with kinxer, it's better to provide access to investiture related benefits to the masses. That way everyone wins rather than the just having empowered losing.

  3. Screwloose reclined in his seat, chewing on a piece of jerky. He could see now how Aurelios had gotten through so much of the stuff, it was rather addictive. Very little had changed since Winter's message and the boredom was beginning to drive him insane. Well more insane at any rate. He almost wished he'd accepted the offer of Wolf form, at least then he would have been able to run about outside. But no, he wasn't ready to go back to that kind of life, not yet anyway. Even if he'd wanted to he wouldn't have been able to accept it without first giving up his Epic abilities.


    Screwloose sighed, looking at the monitors for the umpteenth time that day. Still no changes. It couldn't hurt to take a little time off from this, could it? Screwloose decided. Standing he switched his goggles for a pair of sunglasses and his overalls for a hoodie. Perfect. No one would suspect a thing. Humming he entered the main cavern. It was time to go get some fresh air.


    And thus begins Screwloose's day off. 

  4. Screwloose frowned. He didn't quite trust the projection of winter but without the assistance of the Pack he had no chance of taking on the Dark Alley. Still if what the panda had said was true then he wouldn't have to, he could find out the truth soon enough.


    "We stand down and bide our time for now. If Winter is safe then there's no need to go stirring up a hornets nest to get her back. If we find out its a trick then we can attack."


    Screwloose fastened the communicator around Silver's neck. "Keep this on regardless, It'll be useful if we can stay in touch."

  5. Screwloose raised one eyebrow, but didn't  comment. Where silver had found these new arrivals was a question for a later date. Right now any help was welcome. Instead he sat down at his console, inputting a few commands.


    "The tracker I planted on Winter is still responding. I have her rough coordinates, although we may have to search quite a bit still. Those alleyways are like a maze." Screwloose rubbed his chin, thinking for a moment. "Of course, with your sense of smell we should be able to track her once we arrive."


    He began digging through various boxes, coming out with a number of collar like devices. Fastening one around his neck he offered another to Silver. "It's a communicator, in case we get seperated. The collar itself can stretch so you should be able to keep it on even if you transform. I'll see if I can contact the anti bakery and gain their assistance, then we'll come p with a plan to save Winter."

  6. Screwloose frowned. "You expected me to take on the Alley without finding help first? I may be an Epic but even I'm not that arrogant."

    That was only half the story of course. Screwloose still wasn't sure exactly how winter had been captured. She should have been powerful enough to resist them longer than she did and Screwloose hadn't seen many signs of further fighting after he'd regained consciousness.

    Screwloose readjusted his goggles, ensuring his eyes were properly covered. "I still have her tracked, but I'll need assistance. I'll leave it up to Silver if he wants to bring the pack into this, as beta he's in charge now. I'm sure we can ask the anti bakery for assistance as well."

    The situation still worried Screwloose though. He'd been out of it during the final minutes of the battle, but he had a theory. And if that theory was correct he may have to kill Winter himself.

  7. Screwloose struggled to his feet, clutching his head. 


    "Calamity. After all this you just give up?! How am I supposed to explain this to your pack?"


    He reached into a pouch, fishing out his second transport device. He pressed a button and the skyscraper was consumed by a bright green fireball. When the smoke cleared Screwloose was nowhere to be seen.


    I've gone back to the packs thread.

  8. Epicness 75%


    The Wolf girl had dared to land a hand on him. She would be dealt with, immeadiatly...


    "No, even you know that would not be logical. You are not as powerful as you think. She will kill you if you try. Besides, arn't you interested in what she'll do next?"


    "I, I guess."


    Epicness 45% and falling


    Screwlooses eyes snapped open.

  9. Screwloose bumped into Winter, the trapdoor hurtling towards him flashed green before reappearing as what appeared to be a paper plane made out of tin foil and gliding off to one side.


    "No, I don't think I will. In fact why don't you get off of my roof."


    The concrete floor below the panda disappeared, reappearing as a concrete barrier next to Screwloose.


    Epicness 50%

  10. Screwloose scrambled onto the roof, retracting the cable of the grappling hook. The Allomancers had pulled a number of ingots up from the ground already it seemed. Standard weapons would be useless in this fight since they could be pulled away from him. Screwloose sighed before forming a pair of handguns, along with bullets and wrist supports, from his small supply of Aluminium.


    "You people are beginning to try my patience. Now hold still so I can kill you all."


    Epicness 45%

  11. Screwloose stood up again. This was becoming infuriating. He glared up at the building. With a flash of green a gold ingot formed in his hand, several more metal ingots dropping to the ground around him. With another flash the pile bunker on his arm reassembled itself once again, this time into a grappling hook launcher. Reaching into his pouches he clipped a few gravatonic orbs to his belt before firing the grapnel and beginning to climb.


    To those on the roof those ingots were made from any metals not invested or imbedded in flesh. Including your knives Winter, sorry.


    Epicness 30%

  12. I'd suggest not getting a shardblade out of thin air though (heh). If you can give a good reason for having one or finding one then i'd agree to it. BTW I have Screwloose has a couple of weapons on him that he can't recreate, they were briefly foreshadowed in my last post in the pack thread before I first posted in this one.


    Screwloose stood, wincing as he pulled a coin out of his shoulder. Voidus seemed to be down for now, although who knew how much health he still had stored. He took a moment to reach into one of his pouches and bandage the wound. Winter and Arthur appeared to be handling themselves for now.


    "At least she looks like she's having fun."

  13. Screwloose stood, having fallen in the gust of wind. 


    "He's right, kind of. In order to truly create something, something else must be destroyed. And if that something is the Dark Alley then even better. If you want to leave then i'll follow but the alley will remain a threat to the pack."


    He turned to join the man in the dressing gown fighting Voidus.

  14. Screwloose watched as Voidus became a blur. 


    "Very kind of you to close to a range I can hit you from."


    The rifle flashed green, restructuring itself into a pile bunker with a silver spike. He quickly clamped it into place around his right forearm, small spikes inside the clamps embedding into his flesh. As soon as a blur came close enough Screwloose lunged forward, spike first.


    Epicness 15%

  15. Screwloose stood his ground, the spike disappearing mid flight before reassembling itself in his hand.


    "See, the problem with aluminium is that it still has a use in Hemalurgy. Silver can't carry a charge so in theory a silver spike in the right bind spot should disrupt a Hemalurgist's entire spike network. Lets try a couple more tests to be sure."


    Screwloose raised the rifle again and fired a tight grouping of three spikes towards Voidus's position.

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