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Everything posted by Furugeru

  1. I just didn't enjoy it as much as some people seem to have. I thought it was an overall good novel that was somewhat lacking in areas. Kelsier was the only character I really liked and most of them weren't very interesting or well developed (keep in mind I only read the first book). The dialogue in particular could get pretty bad at times. I really did enjoy the worldbuilding and magic system(s) though.
  2. No, I only read the first book. I spoiled myself on basically every major plot detail of the other two, so I lost the will to read them. I'll definitely read the other Cosmere books when I get the money to buy all of them. So far I've only read the first Mistborn and somewhere past half of The Way of Kings.
  3. Thanks for the recommendations! I had thought about reading The Name of the Wind sometime earlier but I am easily swayed by negative reviews. Sometimes. I'll give it a chance when I get the time then. Maybe. I actually haven't got around to watching Trigun yet. I know it's one of those 'anime must see' shows so I'll definitely get around to it eventually. And isn't it small? Seems tiny to me.
  4. Hello, small internet community! I recently came across Brandon Sanderson by reading Mistborn and I enjoyed the book somewhat. I have also started reading the Stormlight Chronicles which I enjoy at least 1000x more so far. I am just your average nerd who likes anime, manga, visual novels, light novels, fantasy and sci fi novels, video games, and history. And I have bad grammar, so sorry about that. I was also wondering if anyone could recommend me some good books? I haven't been reading for a while, and some good fantasy would be nice. I've already read some of the more popular things, like Wheel of Time and Game of Thrones.
  5. You should try the Spice & Wolf novels. They are currently being officially translated by Yen Press and are better than most LNs. I don't really like Baka Tsuki. The vast majority of the translations on that website are meh at best (not all, but most). You're better off just learning Japanese.
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