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Status Updates posted by Seonid

  1. So I might have just accidentally mapped out the whole planet of Edassa...

    1. A Joe in the Bush
    2. Seonid


       And now I'm stuck with 4 continents and 2 subcontinents I didn't know I needed.

  2. Hope that you're alright with the tropical storm moving through.

  3. Just put up signups for LG29: A Mote in Adonalsium's Eye. Anyone interested in getting into Sanderson Elimination, sign up now for your chance at ultimate Shardic power!

  4. LG21 signups are opened. If you ever wanted to play a game of Mafia as a Shard of Adonalsium, now is your chance!

  5. Finished my Cosmological History for the Thousand Realms, which is the last bit of cosmological background I needed to finalize before I can get to fleshing out individual settings.

  6. The Master Worldbuilding Thread for the Thousand Realms is live in the Creator's Corner. Go have a look!

  7. The Thousand Realms Master Worldbuilding Thread nears publication point. Watch this space for further updates...

  8. When, oh when will I have time to write in Edassa? Or Starnet? Or anywhere else that's not school?

  9. My update:post ratio is slowly but surely moving towards 1:1. I'm not sure how to feel about this...maybe I need to post in Oregon more.

    1. Alvron


      As of right now, it's even.

    2. Seonid


      And it is so again. Obviously, I need to make more posts that folks feel are worth upvoting...

    3. Seonid


      Turns out what I needed to do was ask Brandon what Bavadin's intent was...

  10. And Edassa is back again! For a little while, at least. Maybe this means that the long promised but never realized worldbuilding thread is coming soon...

  11. That moment when you realize that you are going to have to come up with 18 different religions for your world (and 12 different sub-groups), and you begin to wonder whether you have a problem...

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      In my desperate attempts to thwart the species-wide culture trope so prevalent in sci-fi, one of my stranger races at least three major cultures, two accepted religions, and one persecuted religious minority. It's nothing compared with what you've done, but I'm beginning to see your point. :P

    2. Seonid


      Ah worldbuilding. Isn't it the most rewarding and frustrating drain on our free time? Interestingly, an extremely large quantity of my worldbuilding (including all but two of the religions and almost half of the cultures) has come in my mind only in the last 8 months or so.

  12. Back to Edassa now. Pondering the awesome potential of undead there...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seonid


      Yep. Unembodied spirits sloppily bound to recently (or long-time) dead corpses.

    3. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Cool. I look forward to hearing more about them! Will you be talking about them in the forthcoming Edassa worldbuilding thread?

    4. Seonid


      Yep. Probably more than is healthy for me...

  13. Sanderson Elimination, Edassa, and Oregon? All at the same time, you ask? Why yes, if I do say so myself. And no, I haven't bitten off more than I can chew *looks furtively around*. Of course not. Definitely not with school starting next week. Not at all.

  14. Menkor rises!

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      What a good place to be a crocodile.

  15. That frustrating moment when, just after you have collected and posted the creation mythos of your fantasy/sci-fi universe, you get the most amazing ideas for improvements.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Agh. That must be frustrating. :/

      Though if you're talking about Edassa, I for one would love to hear what improvements you have in mind. :)

    2. Seonid


      Oh I am; I am. I'll be posting a revised creation myth tomorrow, along with more details on how unembodied spirits (as opposed to disembodied spirits) perceive the world. And, if I can get to it, I'll be posting cultural details about the Kingdom of Menkor and the surrounding environs. It occurs to me that it is hard to create characters without having a culture in mind...

  16. What the sparks are unicorns doing in the Reckoners RP?

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Why, they're making Oregon 20% cooler.

    2. Edgedancer


      Chilling with the zomby dinosaurs and mutant Pandas?

  17. The knight in shining armor is not always the hero you've been dreaming of...

    1. mail-mi


      You're totally talking about Paladin aren't you.

    2. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Or he saw Shrek for the First Time.

    3. Seonid


      Definitely Paladin. This was one of the last things Ghostknife thought as Paladin was trying to kill her, and will be one of the first things she is thinking when we meet her again.

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