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Posts posted by jaelre

  1. I'm also in the camp that predicts that it will be along the lines of "I will teach/help/lead others to protect themselves".

    I think there a few supporting points:

    • It's well within the Leading/Protecting attributes;
    • It follows through on Kaladin's story line about leaving direct command and leaning into the surgeon training, while keeping him on his oaths;
    • It follows through on all the previous oaths;
    • It can be assimiliated to the the Skybreakers' fifth ideal, as by enabling others to protect themselves the Windrunner should ideally be left with no one to protect, thus making protecting others (and oneself) redundant, which sounds a bit like the Skybreakers and the law would in their path.
  2. Sorry for not showing up earlier, I don't have much to say in my defense, I have been playing, yes, but my attention has not been particularly focused on this game, and I have been losing interest. Add to that an irregular schedule and you can understand why I haven't been posting. I guess I have to thank a risked lynch for being drawn back again. I realize my actions have been a hindrance though.


    What I would like to point out though, after a very brief review of the past discussions, is that while many people have been trying to start a discussion, few have actually engaged in one. Which is actually a great way to stifle it, while not looking suspicious at all. For instance, Wonko has been making some consistently good points. Meta on the other hand, has encouraged people to discuss time and again, but hasn't said much of consequence. And he wound Sart up against me, albeit, I think and hope, involuntarily.
    Talking of Sart, I don't personally see much wrong in what he did but for the recklessness of his action. Trying to prove oneself in that way is not, in my opinion, the best way. But fortunately no harm was done, and I do share the fault of it.

    But coming to the voting part:
    Meta, I would kindly (and I guess somewhat childishly) encourage you to act as you preach.

  3. All I gather is that Gamma, Ren and Kasimir (and possibly Wyrm) just need to petition I-don't-know-what to have the Words of Radiance measurement certified and added to the ISU.


    I'm unfortunately unable to join this game, even if it does look very interesting. Best of luck! *tips hat*

  4. The problem I see with lynching Cat is that it incentivizes the Skaa to finish off House Elariel, and this lessens the amount of information we can gather. I might agree if we had guarantees that a Lurcher defended the remaining Elariel, but I'm not so sure it's a gambit I'd undertake: Skaa and politics could way too easily undermine that.

    If Ashette's plan was directed at anyone else I feel I'd go with it, all else being equal.


    Unfortunately I'm not confident that revealing that information I have on Cat is beneficial, but I'm still waiting on her to do one specific thing that in my eyes would exonerate her almost completely. Not that I'm asking her to, not now, but for the moment I'm going to defend her. That will include swaying votes, so be warned.


    I'm more curious about Tonul though. I realize my previous attempt at seeing voting activity is flimsy evidence, but the circle of votes does really strike me as suspicious. Call it a hunch if you will.

  5. Looking at the past votes, the following people caught my attention: Mesiste, Tonul and Hadrian.


    Mesiste was involved in the voting with the staggering amount of 7 times, 6 of which are in the first day alone: he was voted by Tonul, Cadri and Hadrian, and voted for Fien and Hyrun before settling on Tonul. He also voted for Racine the second day.


    Tonul was also, 6 times. The first day he voted for Mesiste, Kaldin, Wandrin  and was voted by Mesiste. The second day he was voted by Fien and Mailu, and he voted for Hadrian.


    Hadrian also has 7 involvements in the voting. The first day he was the target of Mailu and Kassel, but he voted for Mesiste and Jain. The second day, He was voted by Tonul, and he voted for Ren and Racine.


    The only other persons involved in the voting that much were Luckat, with 1 vote received and one cast on the 1st day, and 3 received and 2 cast on the 2nd day, but I have information that lessens somewhat the suspicions on her, and Jain, with 5.


    Now, what makes these 3 people suspicious in my eyes:

    • Mesiste and Tonul traded votes
    • Hadrian voted for Mesiste, Tonul for Hadrian
    • Mesiste was targeted by both the first night
    • Cadri voted for Meta. Despite the fact it was embedded in the RP I wonder if there was some ulterior motive.
    • Meta and Hadrian voted for Racine, Meta quite late in the cycle, also (that could be said of quite a few people though).


    I realize it's flimsy, and I haven't looked too much into each vote, but the scheme I drew puts them in the middle of the fray. I'm relatively sure I'm implying someone that is not responsible, but it did draw my eye.


    I'm curious if anyone else has any exonerating evidence for Cat though.

  6. Oh, alright. I thankfully just realized I was going to make a huge mistake. Thankfully it is not the case.


    I'm what I believe to be the last Rioter. I was planning on pairing 3 votes so to see what Soothers were going to do, see what Tulir was going to do and maybe prove him a rioter, and then maybe find out the kandra. It was a bit too much considering I forgot I'd lose my vote in process.


    As such I'm going to retract my (useless) vote to Cat.

  7. Sorry, have been trying to think of a RP post for a while but at the moment it's not going to happen. :|


    Anyhow, what if  we completely disregarded the secondary objective for a bit and come clean on everyone's allegiances? Since that would put the great houses under duress, maybe we could start with telling if we're in a great or lesser house.

    This is because the great houses' Lords/Ladys potentially already have a huge aiming target on their backs, and this would diminish a bit the pressure on them.


    This, of course, has the drawback of protecting any skaa hidden among them. But I keep thinking that the secondary objective might hinder us.


    Also, Kas, assuming 1) and 6b) are true and lesser houses are made of 2 people (Wyrm says so in the rules, so I'm assuming it true), we would have a 3+3+4+4 for great houses, 3 lesser houses, and one spare player and a kandra. So:

    • Wyrm is a troll (I'd rule it out)
    • 6b) is not true
    • Lesser houses may have more than 2 players. (Also unlikely)

    This would have me say that we have some 15 players in the great houses, and 3 lesser houses with 2 players each. And the kandra is an unknown, as far as I'm concerned.


    That said, since we have still 35+ hours til the end of the cycle, I'm going to sit on my vote.

  8. A thump came from the behind the ballroom's open door. A lanky man soon came through, a hand rubbing the lump already swelling on his forehead. The steward's glare could have frozen him mid-step.


    With a thoroughly confused look he gazed around the room, and his faced assumed various expressions on the scale from scared to terrified. Strengthening his resolve he willed himself down the few steps on to the floor, and just on the last one his feet caught a few of the many strings hanging from the hem of his battered and worn green coat, that might have once been a fine piece of clothing. He went crashing down head first on a nearby guest's back, a man donning an outrageously bright orange coat.


    "I'm- I'm terribly sorry Lord... ? My name's Jae Kastner, please accept my most sincere apologies. My clumsiness will do me no favour, nor you."

    His face outrageously red, he bowed deeply, and as soon the Lord moved his eyes from him, he retreated in a wobbling pace that might have looked a tentative run.



  9. Jatae thumped the cabin's door heavily, but it appeared it had been locked from the inside. Sounds of a fight seemed to be coming from inside. He put down the tray he was carrying, thumped again, and yelled angrily "Come out Captain Crushthroat, everyone has a right to a last meal!"

    He tried forcing the door, but he simply bounced back bruised.


    "Who would ever be mad enough to lock himself in with the captain... " he muttered.

  10. I can't say much about my voting that hasn't been said yet, but I'll make a quick recap. The foreword is that I've tried to act under two general principles: maximum gain for me, and the least loss to the group. The first takes form in the fact I've been hoarding coins, with my vote tonight I'm up to 18 coins. I think it could be left unsaid that I'm trying to go for the axe, should the quartermaster die at any point. The second is that I'm not confident in my ability, nor in the time at me disposal, to draw complex conclusions about people's suspiciousness. That meant that my voting has been pretty shallow, and the only real stance I ever took was against Jain, for already explained reasons.


    Week 1: Hreo - I just voted for someone that hadn't already been voted for, I just chose the 1st one off Meta's player list.

    Week 2: Luka - Wanted to prompt him to post.

    Week 3: KalFS - As above with Hreo, I just went for an unmeaningful vote, mostly for the coin.

    Week 4: KalFS - Here I wanted to consolidate votes. I didn't like very much what happened the previous night with all the vote changing, so I wanted to provide a buffer. I also started to have a brink of suspicions over KalFS. Kai stroke me as someone who exposed himself, and I manifested already the feeling that more exposure brings more verifiability, ergo more risks, ergo less chance of being a Mutineer.

    Week 5: Riitii - This follows from the previous reasoning. I don't particularly have particular reasons to believe to be cleared. I can't think of one. And the fact that New One's raised my ranking on his table stroke me off as not based on my actions. I also was a bit scared as people high in that table had already been targeted. Being kind of unnoticed also played an advantage in the fact in that it raised the chances of hoarding coins actually being useful.

    Week 6: Jain - The fact with seemingly random voting is that it introduces plausible deniability in this game, well some sort of, and this really started to make me feel uneasy about him.

    Week 7: Jain - As above, just compounded by the fact he refused to answer any kind of query, both mine (understandable) and Wyrm's (less so).


    Regarding the present week, I'm still going to go for Jain. For all the reasons above, and the trolling now.

  11. I'm still going to hold to my voting Jain. Add to whatever objections I have moved to him the fact that he appears to have been consistently inconsistent. Which is an awesome façade for justification of any kind of behaviour, despite, in my opinion, playing against him.


    What I find weird, still not even near to a proof of innocence, but weird, is the amount of incriminating action committed by, and attributed to Jene. It might actually explain his resigned attitude, but it doesn't yet excuse it.

  12. After a few days or sneaking around the ship, Jatae had finally managed to put together enough fabric scraps, off torn sails, someone's shirt and pants he had found hidden in the bilge, a scrapped cover, and frayed ropes. Going unnoticed had some uses after all. Really no one seemed to pay him any mind.

    He was now intent in putting together some kind of patchwork, something similar to paws was barely shaped up, and he was now scavenging the buttons of that dirty and salt-hardened shirt.


    Couple of days later, a stuffed animal caped on Jain's shelf. It had paws, well sort of, and a muzzle that flaunted a grimly grin. A panda someone might have said. Anyone with a bit more sense and less imagination would just call it a four pawed stuffed animal. Anyone impressionable an abomination worth of Dah'kor monastery.


    Call it an omen, Jain. Would really like to hear some reason for voting Wyrm. Otherwise you're either suspicious or a hinderance. Waiting to hear from you, and if I make it online before deadline I'll change my vote, if you convince me.


    (Please, someone throw off board the panda, Jatae's just too proud of having done that to ever do it).

  13. I would like to know from Jeno if the fact that at the moment of his post Jene was the only one with 2 votes on him factored in his decision to change his vote, besides Wyrm's analysis.

    Knowing that it's unlikely to answer before the end of the cycle, I'm content to think that he's not suspicious, and he's either a gunner, or planned well to soak a kill.


    I'm also curious, and slightly put off, by the fact Riitii considers myself less suspicious. I don't think I have given reason to be so, and demonstrating knowledge doesn't seem a significant reason to base the suspicions on, since it could be easily feigned, one way or another.

    Argumentations, on the other hand, to me, are, since it's easier to find holes and inconsistencies there, and confirmation.


    This is what at the moment makes Jain extremely dangerous in my eyes. He's voted for one of the few player that exposed himself, and has actually given enough bird-eye view to make a bit more sense of the game, or at the very least him.

  14. Vote tally: 

    Jain(1): Wyrm, 

    Jene (2): Mai, Jain,

    Mai (3): Jeno, Jene, Matim

    Jeno (1): Hreo, Jain

    Riitii (1): Jatae


    I'm gonna vote for Riitii. At this point his chart shows that while the upper part of the chart worked, the lower doesn't. I was surely influenced by it, i wonder if my naiveté, and possibly not only mine, was something you willingly chose to exploit?


    At this point Jeno seems cleared to me. WGG seems something that would require some complex planning. Assuming the Mutineers are 4, and there's no twist in the cycle, the 1st one is going to receive the 2nd pm tonight. If they're 3 it would have been yesterday, but it seems that too many pieces were needed and too much coordination required.

  15. Regarding last night's vote, I joined on the bandwagon because I wanted to insure that no surprises would happen, and that I would get my coin. The 2 things seemed to go together nicely. While I realize that my adding a vote didn't change much in the general scheme of things, it would provide a certain advantage to the only person I'm sure is not compromised (me), while dealing an only unlikely probable damage to someone else, that besides looks suspicious or is made looking suspicious. See it as placing a vote on anyone else no one near that count, if you will.

    In short, I valued the certainty of the lynching outcome and the advantage it would provide to me, but not only to me if you think of it, more than the potential damage of insuring an already predictable lynch.


    Regarding Kal's defense, while this is no way conclusive, keep in mind that the Mutineers are in a limited number, and while their win condition is in effect outnumbering the rest of the crew, the coordination required makes it much more valuable to preserve as many people as possible.


    That said I would urge people not to disperse votes too much, for the reason above as well. It's counter productive in that it creates bandwagons, but as things stand right now, assuming the Mutineers are 3-4, they might as well go for the captain.


    Ergo, I'm momentarily placing my vote on Kal, for all of the above and the fact I'm inclined to let myself be convinced of the argumentations above, and this time I should be able to get back to it before the week's end.

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