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Posts posted by jaelre

  1. Whoever PM'd last would get the role-change. The reason is that the second Worldsinger came along after the first. Doesn't matter what the vote was initially. He's just changing the vote to what he wants.

    And all actions processed chronologically? Or deaths are processed last? If so, what's the order of death actions and lynching?

    Also, can you change a lynch vote?


    Edit:F.e, ghostblood kills guard, guard has as "die on death" target player 1, player 1 is also the target of a lynch, would the guards death action be wasted? Or else, who would it be lynched?

  2. Khiriq was wandering for the streets, absolutely unconscious of the shadow following him. He had 2 fingers in his mouth, drool trickling down his arm up to his elbow, a fizzling breathing sound coming from him.

    I do wonder how whistling works. People just do that, why doesn't it work. Storms! he thought.


    A finger tapped his left shoulder, and he turned half-way through a new attempt at whistling. In front of him was standing a men, well it looked like a man, clad in black clothes and holding a dagger in his right hand. His left hand's motion clearly mimicked to consign him anything of value, or... Or, well, Khiriq was at the moment too busy to stop, and drool sprayed all over the thief's upper body.

    Startled by the realization it might not have been a good idea being too busy, he tried again. This time a faint whistle came from him. At the same time he motioned to his pocket to get his little money bag to give to the thief.

    "I'm... I'm sorry..." he tentatively whispered in a loud, clear, and very scared high-pitched voice.


    The thief glared at the whistling boy, disgust and contempt in his eyes. He snatched the bag, and ran away in the closest alley. The boy's cry had attracted attention.

    Realizing this, Khiriq too ran away. No one wants to attract attention in the middle of riot, if you're not armed. Besides, a wonderful smell was coming from a house nearby, and he wondered if he couldn't beg for some food. Maybe he could try to make a whistling show!

    Before turning the corner, he was back with 2 fingers in his mouth.

  3. Khiriq was trying to furtively sneak from a well illuminated street into a dimly lit alley, his back to the corner walls. Just as he did, his eye was caught by the thump of the door opposite to the alley being smashed by a men carrying his child, burning cinder flying after him, immediately doused by the falling rain. The distraction made him slip, and he skidded along on the slimy descending pebbles.

    A smear of crem or two wouldn't make a difference, his pocket were already heavy with it anyway. He rose and carried along, now a bit less stealthy. His lips shaped in a circle, a fleeble but acute sound came from him, not at all similiar to a whistle.


    At least I can whistle he thought But if this revolt kills me, how will I learn to whistle with 2 fingers?

  4. The first part is not really a theory but a recollection of what is the source and what the focus of a power is, most of the work is done here. (http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/7207-investiture-and-the-metallic-arts/)

    The second part is basically saying that each Investiture is based in each realm on something that acts as an "anchor" for the power. E.g while Surgebinding is quite obviously powered by stormlight, I pose that the element on the Cognitive plane that allows this to happen is the Words.

    The basic idea is layman's explanation vs. realmatics'.

    It's VERY rough, and I'm kind of new to the Cosmere, so I'm hoping for either help or a debunking. Or that it suggests people something.


    Investiture       AonDor             Surgebinding        Allomancy         Feruchemy           Hemalurgy      Awakening


    Power                Dor3                   Stormlight               Mists(??)      Bodily Functions         Corpse's             Breath



    Focus                Aon                  Nahel Bond1               Metal                  Metal                    Metal +           Command





    Physical     Geographical         One's actions5          Genealogy         Genealogy               Spike's             Awk.ned

                           Position                      (??)                                                                              Location             Object


    Cognitive          Aon                     Words                    Metal's                Metal's                  Spike's            Command

                                                                                     "Signature"4        "Signature"4              Metal


    Spiritual             Dor3                Stormlight (??)              (??)                     (??)                  Corpse's            Breath

                                                                                                                                                  Soul (??)



    1 Wasn't sure how to refer to this, I meant the surges a binder has access to, but rethinking it, it seems that Nahel Bond is representative of that

    2 The spike's, obviously

    3 I'm not really sure of the Dor as the spiritual side, while I am as a source. I'm just not clear on what it is, probably

    4 See the same topic

    5 What I mean here, is how you act in relation to the Words. Wiki docet. And WoR.

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