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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Ok, so Hoid's symbol sits outside of their's, interesting. I didn't, realize that. Will definitely check that out, thanks.
  2. I've seen this brought up briefly in passing, but I think it deserves more of a look. To my understanding it is pretty much accepted that the masked man face at the beginning of any chapter in the books indicates that Hoid will be in the chapter. I believe there is one chapter where he isn't explicitly there, but is mentioned by Shallan. The faces also seem to appear for specific characters as well. Certain characters seem to always start with at least a same, recurring face (if I remember correctly). The faces could also, however, be representative of heralds. So what does this all mean. Are the faces indicative of characters? Are they indicative of heralds? Or is it both? Could the characters somehow be connected to a certain herald, and what does that mean in the long run? If this has been answered or discussed elsewhere, sorry. I couldn't find it.
  3. He also didn't have all of the metals. He couldn't affect time and didn't have any chromium for luck. He was also practically insane. Also, as previously stated, he had no reason to fear Vin. He had had countless attempts on his life- including a beheading- and couldn't possibly have thought that she was anything more than a nuisance. Plus she hadn't ingested any metals. He died because the mists powered Vin's allomancy, allowing her to do something believed to be impossible.
  4. Fair enough for sure. There would conceivably be a ton of other disasters. My only argument would be that the land splitting up and the fall of Elantris would overshadow other disasters. Just looking at the chasm being created and ignoring my theory, I would still assume that at least tidal waves would also be created, so I would think it's still plausible. That being said, it seems like it's been said that they are not in the same shardworld system. There's a part of me that wants to hold on to the "necessarily" and take that as it not being explicitly said in the books, but I'm definitely grasping at straws. On a slight tangent, but related, what would moving the planet do to the cognitive realm? Could that have affected anything on Sel if the cognitive realm was affected by the movement in the physical realm?
  5. Crash


    Thanks, it's good to be here
  6. This is a fairly late reply, but my theory is that the chasm was caused by the Lord Ruler from the Mistborn series. I've posted a topic in cosmere theories with more detail, but pretty much my thoughts are that Sel and Scadrial are in the same solar system, and that when Scadrial was being moved by the Lord Ruler, its gravitational pull affected the other planets it passed- mainly Sel. This then caused the earthquake and the formation of the chasm.
  7. Could be possible, but based on where you are in relation to the sun, years would be different. 1000 years on Scadrial won't be 1000 years on Sel, if they are in the same solar system. We also know that Scadrial ended up close to the sun, which means its years would go by faster than years on planets farther from the sun. Depending on where the point of reference is for the 400 year difference between the two, this is still plausible. The point of reference could be from Sel, but I think the wording of the question asked to get this timeline would give more clues. If the time difference was also discovered in world, then my money would be on the 400 years being in Sel years, as it's apparently the most knowledgeable of the shardworlds. With Scadrial, presumably, being closer to the sun, 1000 years there might only be equal to around 400 on Sel. I could, however, by completely wrong. EDIT: Weird wording
  8. For the longest time, prior to stumbling upon this forum, I had a theory that Elantris and the Mistborn series were set on the same planet. The reason being, the mention of people on another continent that the main characters did not know about in Mistborn. I thought that these people were the people in Elantris, and furthermore, that the chasm that suddenly appeared and ruined everything in Elantris was caused by the Lord Ruler moving and reshaping the world. I now know this is wrong, but I still think that the two could be related. The way I see it, when the Lord Ruler was moving the planet itself around the solar system, this would have had effects on other planets, and if Scadrial and Sel are in the same solar system, then Sel could have been affected. By moving Scadrial past Sel, its gravitational pull could have affected the other planet, causing an earthquake, and therefore the creation of the chasm. It couldn't be caused by Sazed or Vin from when they held the power, because the Mistborn series takes place after Elantris, but the Lord Ruler would have effected the world one thousand years before, which could put it, chronologically, when the chasm was formed. We also know that Odium did not cause the chasm, and that it did not occur naturally. This might be easily disproved, however, if Sel and Scadrial aren't in the same solar system, but I haven't found anything to against this being a possibility. Thoughts?
  9. Just joining the site now after lurking around for a year or two. Been reading Brandon Sanderson novels for a few years now, starting with mistborn: the final empire. Don't necessarily know how active I'll be, but I might pop up every so often.
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