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Matrim Bloody Cauthon

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Status Updates posted by Matrim Bloody Cauthon

  1. I have been called to serve as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    1. WayneSpren


      Congratulations! Do you know where you're going yet?

    2. Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      Ecuador, Guayaquil North mission. enter the mexico mtc September 13.

  2. When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. -Albert Einstein

  3. never kiss a girl whose brothers have knife scars

  4. "Sooner or later, we all go through a crucible. I'm guessing yours was that island. Most believe there are two types of people who go into a crucible. The ones who become stronger from the experience and survive it, and the ones who die. But there's a third type. The ones who learn to love the fire and choose to stay in their crucible because it's easier to embrace the pain when it's all you know anymore." -Sebastion Blood. why cant i remember anything but the pain?

  5. Sooner or later, we all go through a crucible. I'm guessing yours was that island. Most believe there are two types of people who go into a crucible. The ones who become stronger from the experience and survive it, and the ones who die. But there's a third type. The ones who learn to love the fire and choose to stay in their crucible because it's easier to embrace the pain when it's all you know anymore.

  6. the summer is slipping by too fast. at the end many of my friends are leaving for college.

  7. one more week till i get to see my AP scores. the anticipation is killing me.

  8. 2.5 weeks left of school. just let it be over.

  9. World robotics championship tournament this week. i am really nervous.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Are you competing?

    2. Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      yes. I did unfortunately my team lost in the quarter finals. we shouldn't have but our advisor made us ally with another Utah team the stopped working and they just gave up. the other team from our school won.

  10. Well, another birthday has come and gone.

  11. why did i have to miss the most recent episode of Arrow? i need to know who saves oliver.

  12. why is there more than a month between the midseason finale of arrow and the next episode?

  13. I saw battle of the five armies yesterday!

  14. we moved a month ago and i still have only 3 or so boxes unpacked.

  15. why does AP calculus have to be so difficult?

  16. is it weird to mesh robert jordan and brandon sanderson by saying survivor of hinderstap?

    1. Quitecontrary


      Nah, that's fine. It's amusing actually. Just capitalize it.

    2. Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      Matrim Bloody Cauthon

      Okay cause when i was coming up with my full title i thought of it and just had to put it in there.

  17. Just because a man marries someone doesn’t mean he suddenly becomes bloody nobility

  18. "'Courage to strengthen, Fire to blind. Music to dazzle. Iron to bind.'" "'And Matrim Cauthon to bloody even the odds.'"

  19. "'Courage to strengthen, Fire to blind. Music to dazzle. Iron to bind.'" "'And Matrim Cauthon to bloody even the odds.'"

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