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Shardcast: Lost Metal Reactions 1


The Lost Metal, the final Mistborn Era 2 book is out, and you know we have so many full book, spoilery reactions for you this episode of Shardcast! We start with a short spoiler-free section and then go into full spoilers, and it's full cosmere spoilers too! We have so much to say! Also, this has some swanky visual changes for you. It's the end of an era, but beginning of a new one! And don't worry, we barely touched on stuff here, but there is so much analysis still to come!

This episode we have Eric (Chaos), Ian (Weiry), David (Windrunner), Shannon (Grey), and Evgeni (Argent)!

00:00 Introductions
02:06 Show & Tell
03:41 Spoiler-free Thoughts
15:15 Spoilery Thoughts
01:03:00 Complaints
1:44:23 Other Good Stuff
2:03:56 Era 2 Wrap-up / Era 3 Thoughts
2:28:42 Who's That Cosmere Character

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I kept thinking that the doppelgängers were trying to steal connection/destiny through imitation. It would have been interesting if people could reverse engineer an identity/fortune/destiny connection. That would have made some sense. Sadly, no.....

Edited by teknopathetic

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3 hours ago, teknopathetic said:

I kept thinking that the doppelgängers were trying to steal connection/destiny through imitation. It would have been interesting if people could reverse engineer an identity/fortune/destiny connection. That would have made some sense. Sadly, no.....

That's what I kept thinking, but it was so much less interesting...

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5 hours ago, teknopathetic said:

I kept thinking that the doppelgängers were trying to steal connection/destiny through imitation. It would have been interesting if people could reverse engineer an identity/fortune/destiny connection. That would have made some sense. Sadly, no.....

2 hours ago, Chaos said:

That's what I kept thinking, but it was so much less interesting...

It really contributes to the Set feeling unimpressive in this book. They had 6 years to think of something. 

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My main complaint would be that Wayne was capable of gold compounding at the end - I know it probably wouldn't save him (not enough gold or time, explosion was just too big to survive etc.), but the fact it was never even brought up is just weird

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Hey Guys, 

I have been listening to you guys for about 2 years and I love you guys and I love how deep you get in the Cosmere but even though I love the podcast and youtube and seeing you have so much funny and deep conversations, I notice you dont have any African American or African people in your group for discussion. I want to join the Lost Metal discussion part 2 cause I love Bmoney and all the books so far ( not so much lmt) and I have a fear that I might die before I learn what happens, like One Piece (which I have been reading for 17 years lol). Not that im not healthy or anything just saying ……… itd suck I would have to be a ghost just to learn where these stories go (wayne pun), plus a lot of other books like kwoth and wtf his story is with the king killing and whatever is behind that door jesus. Anyway I am a black man and im very caught up, you can test me but with that ……. Ideally with inclusion that Brandon likes to speak on , I would like to join in as a black man or maybe inviting some black women that like Brandon I think it would be nice if not official but just for fun. 

Something to think about 

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Wax and Kaladin are my favorite characters in the Cosmere, so that might have colored my thoughts on this. But, I think that Wax didn't really have a character arc in this book (except maybe learning to let Wayne be the hero, but I think he was there already). In this book, I think Wax operated more like James Bond. He wasn't fun to watch because he had a relatable arc, he was fun to watch because watching a person who is great at a thing be great at the thing is fun sometimes. I loved that we got to see him at the height of his powers for almost a whole book and to watch the friends he had made along the way grow into fully realized heroes themselves.

Also, the fact that Wax had grown over the past 3 books is what let him beat Telsin. I really enjoyed the moment he realized that he had grown, she hadn't, and made that knowledge the core of his plan.

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Hey, @Nacom-gavel thanks for your interest, we have this article where we address the topic, and which links a form for staff applications to give us a wider pool of people to pull from, and be able to have a better understanding of the different identities within the fandom. This sounds like what you're talking about here in this post. I hope it's useful, and feel free to respond there if you have any other questions or comments. 


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When Wayne burned bendalloy with duralumin at the the end, did he have to keep burning it the whole time the bubble was up or did it all burn up instantly and than create a bubble that lasted for a set amount of time?

I’m guessing it had to be the second option because if he had to been burning the duralumin when he burned steel to push the barrel he would have duralumin pushed the barrel and use all his steel reserves not saving any for the other barrels.


Edited by Karlthebasher

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