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Does magic system on one planet work on another ?



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It depends!

The Metallic Arts and Awakening can both work anywhere in the Cosmere, and if you can get the Aviar off of their native world or the sand from Taldain then things can become viable there. But most of the magic on Roshar is more or less restricted at present as neither Stormlight or spren can be taken off planet right now. The magic from Elantris is also restricted to location, but it seems like the Ire have their own work around to this issue, and seons can get off world even though spren cannot.  

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29 minutes ago, Proletariat said:

It depends!

The Metallic Arts and Awakening can both work anywhere in the Cosmere, and if you can get the Aviar off of their native world or the sand from Taldain then things can become viable there. But most of the magic on Roshar is more or less restricted at present as neither Stormlight or spren can be taken off planet right now. The magic from Elantris is also restricted to location, but it seems like the Ire have their own work around to this issue, and seons can get off world even though spren cannot.  

To elaborate on a few of these:

Metallic Arts is Genetic (spiritual DNA, not the chemical stuff), so it follows the bloodlines even if they leave their homeworld.  It also works on any mundane metal, it doesnt have to be from Scadrial. Most normal People are not Invested enough just standing around that they would have actual trouble leaving.  Only grumpy Ghosts that have been juiced with Investiture to keep them "alive".

Breaths and Divine Breaths can be taken off-world, but only people living on Nalthis will be born with Breaths or get Returned.  Leave the world and within a few generations there will be no Breaths, and Immigrant families will eventually naturalize and start being born with them.

Sel magics are all more specifically locked to the planet because they run on Dor fuel and it only exists in the local Cognitive Realm of that planet.  Any magic taken too far from their home region (let alone off-world) will stop working, because they dont naturally route through the Spiritual Realm that lets you ignore distance.  We've see that it's possible, but you have to take extra steps involving Connection manipulation to create a Spiritual umbilical or something.  

Taldain Sand can be transported and grown off-world, and can be charged in the presence of any kinetic Investiture, so it could very easily become a common Container for Investiture to be moved around the cosmere. As far as we know you have to be born to Sand Mastery, though there is a WOB that you could become one with an alloy of Lerasium and Autonomy's theoretical Godmetal.

Rosharan Magics are sticky by nature, and the way the Bonds work the people (ie. Radiants) are more Invested as a base state since their Spiritwebs are merged with a Spren, a living being of pure Investiture.  So even the average Radiant will have a lot of trouble getting off-world.  We know it is possible, and that Radiants in the very distant future seem able to travel.  The current theory that I think leads the pack is that it's a matter of Connection Manipulation just like Selish Dow magics.  However even if they solve that problem, stormlight is too leaky by it's nature to be easily transported without an impractical amount of Perfect Gemstones (or a Bondsmith).  I swear I found a WOB once that said you could charge Gems from any Perpendicularity, which would go a long way toward their outward expansion.  Otherwise they would need ways to convert Investiture from and to stormlight.  

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