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Battle of gods

The roamer

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Everyone here has read rythm of war so i think its time to discuss something pretty interesting which nobody seems to talk about. Odium when in his vision to dlinar at the end of rhythm of war mentions roshar being a traning ground and that he needs the people of roshar and surgebinding for a battle of gods do you guys think this is a possibility. what if the main protagonists in each cosmere book are meant for something bigger what if this is a repeat of the shattering is this a possibility that the main characters of each book might start another shattering and try to take the shards themselves 

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Not necessarily the main characters of each series (and Mistborn will have several series!)



Can we expect a Cosmere Avengers?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes and no. You can expect crossovers between the planets. My goal is not an Avengers-style, one character that you... like, if it were a true Cosmere Avengers it would be like, "Oh, we're going to have this character from this series, this character from this series," that's not what I'm going for. I'm going for more of a clash between the cultures and worlds. There will definitely be characters that you know that end up involved in that. But it's not, I'm not shooting for an Avengers-style thing, I'm shooting for more... It's more like imagine Star Trek, and retrograde back to all of the stories you're telling on the separate planets before they meet each other. Less Avengers, more "We're going to have an intergalactic... thing, going on." These are all of the origins of the cultures and peoples that are going to be involved in that. And since there are some immortals around, you will see people.

Barnes & Noble B-Fest 2016 (June 11, 2016)


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