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Watching Artists: Warbreaker IRL


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So my husband and I took our kids to the zoo yesterday. I have a newborn baby so had to find places to nurse several times throughout the day. This weekend they had lots of artists doing a competition of sorts with chalk art all over the zoo paths. They also had an artist in residence of sorts doing some oil painting at a tiny amphitheater. Every place I sat to feed my baby ended up being next to some of the artists. I was the only one in the amphitheater for a while watching the oil painter work. We chatted about art, his work, and other random things while I fed my baby and gave her a minute to stretch out. I realized how much I felt like Lightsong or Siri in the Court of Gods just bringing in artists to watch for enjoyment. I never understood until now just how amazing it can actually be to watch a professional artist at work. Musicians performing I understood. I am a musician, but am not very well practiced and lack natural talent for most visual arts. Watching visual artists was totally new for me. And the more I watched the more fascinated I was. And the more I fell in love with the pieces that were being worked on. There are some seriously talented people out there. This totally changes how I see those parts in Warbreaker. I’m glad I had the chance for a new experience. I love it even more now. 

So, if you lived in the Court of Gods, what kind of artists would you most like to watch? (Including things like music, dance, visual arts, etc. Anything else I’m missing?)

After watching the artists at the zoo, I’m not even sure I could pick one thing. Good thing I wouldn’t have to. I could enjoy something new every day. I actually really like watching cake and cookie artists. There is some neat stuff you can do with food. Some people use legitimate painting techniques. Makes it hard to believe anyone could eat what they created. And I have a history of watching artistic competition shows on Netflix. I’ve watched one on fashion design hosted by the wonderful Tan France. And one about plant design/floral arranging. Watching professionals in real life though rather than on a screen is a whole new level of appreciation.

Also here are some pictures of the artists I watched most as I sat and fed my baby. Incredible stuff.





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