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Apocalypse Guard update being teased?

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I personally think a Dark One Prose is more likely, since that's what Dan and Brandon have currently been working on, and it already has a working blueprint in the form of the graphic novel. Add to that the fact that the darker themes are certainly within Dan's wheelhouse, and they could probably line up the release of the prose versions with the release of the graphic novels (say that the prose versions come out a year after the graphic novel version does), and you've got a working plan. 

THAT BEING SAID, I would love for it to be The Apocalypse Guard, and I think that Brandon releasing a YA book the year that Skyward won't have one is a smart choice. (And then they can make it a trilogy, with Book 2 in 2024 and Book 3 in 2025; and then we get a new Mistborn book either in late 2025 or early 2026.) An announcement for this may also tie into the Deathrise Steven Bohls novellas, which are done and are being/have been recorded, but have no release window. So announcing that "hey, here's some sequel novellas to the Reckoners, and the first full book in the sequel series is coming next year!" may be a pretty cool announcement. 

THAT BEING SAID, I can see the same thing happening with Dark One. Sure, it wouldn't be as cool, but an official announcement of Dark One Volume 2 and a prose version of Dark One would be pretty dope. Heck, add in an update to the show that supposed to happen, and then you do have something that would be as cool!

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9 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

I personally think a Dark One Prose is more likely, since that's what Dan and Brandon have currently been working on, and it already has a working blueprint in the form of the graphic novel. Add to that the fact that the darker themes are certainly within Dan's wheelhouse, and they could probably line up the release of the prose versions with the release of the graphic novels (say that the prose versions come out a year after the graphic novel version does), and you've got a working plan. 

THAT BEING SAID, I would love for it to be The Apocalypse Guard, and I think that Brandon releasing a YA book the year that Skyward won't have one is a smart choice. (And then they can make it a trilogy, with Book 2 in 2024 and Book 3 in 2025; and then we get a new Mistborn book either in late 2025 or early 2026.) An announcement for this may also tie into the Deathrise Steven Bohls novellas, which are done and are being/have been recorded, but have no release window. So announcing that "hey, here's some sequel novellas to the Reckoners, and the first full book in the sequel series is coming next year!" may be a pretty cool announcement. 

THAT BEING SAID, I can see the same thing happening with Dark One. Sure, it wouldn't be as cool, but an official announcement of Dark One Volume 2 and a prose version of Dark One would be pretty dope. Heck, add in an update to the show that supposed to happen, and then you do have something that would be as cool!

I actually forgot about the Dark One prose version being worked on.

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5 minutes ago, Spectromixer said:

I actually forgot about the Dark One prose version being worked on.

And the show with J Michael Strazyncski is still in the works as far as we know. Brandon has made comments about how "weird" it's gotten, and how it may turn into it's own thing, but honestly there's not a whole lot we know. I wouldn't be surprised if any updates on this are saved for the SotS in December. (Which will be a crazy one, if Brando Sando finishes up everything he's planned to do.)

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9 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

Brandon just announced it in this week's update - it's a podcast. 

*manic laughter*

So, I guess I'll add "exciting and cool announcements" to the list of phrases Brandon uses and does not understand. It's a short list, the other item on my list is "standalone novel".

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2 hours ago, Orlionra said:

*manic laughter*

So, I guess I'll add "exciting and cool announcements" to the list of phrases Brandon uses and does not understand. It's a short list, the other item on my list is "standalone novel".

We just have to remember that when he says "exciting and cool announcements" he means for him. Sigh...

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