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Cool element from Final Empire Prime in RoW

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Back when RoW was first released, I noticed that Brandon seems to have used an element from Final Empire Prime for the Shards.

Before RoW was out, i was reading the Final Empire Prime sample chapter and there is one part where the Conqueror(Lord Ruler character) is thinking to himself that he had to seperate part of his mind from the power of "Sha" that he holds, lest it overwhelm him.(if FEP was current cosmere. "Sha" would be a Shard I think)

then in RoW, in Sazed's letter he states that Hoid said "that the power itself must be treated as separate in our minds from the Vessel who controls it"

After reading that sample chapter, the idea that a Vessel would have to seperate their mind from the power never left my mind. It just seemed too good of a good idea that i knew Brandon wouldnt throw it out, and then when RoW came out, Hoid/Sazed just up and stated it.

i just think its awesome that Brandon is always looking back at his unpublished works for ways to use elements from them in the Canon Cosmere. 


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