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Mistborn Movie Trailers

Aon Ati

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Hello 17th shard, I recently had a desire to write out what I think would be really cool movie trailers for each of the Mistborn books. I know that others have done this exact thing before, and that is what partially inspired me to try this out. Hope you enjoy. Also spoilers for the trilogy, and add whatever music you think works best.


The Final Empire trailer

Opens with a wide shot of Scadrial: falling ash, brown landscape, red sun. Cut to black.

New setting, a man is looking out a window with his back towards us. He begins to speak.

"The Skaa..." Cut to scene of a taskmaster whipping a Skaa worker, we can see in the background hundreds of slaves.

"The Nobles..." A scene of a Noble within a lavish mansion overlooking the plantation.

"The Final Empire." A sweeping overshot of Luthadel. "For a thousand years I have ruled it"

Cut back to speaker. " I am the hero of this world."

Cut to Skaa slum. "And yet..."

"There are those who fight against me." We get a wide shot of Kelsier's crew. Vin, Kelsier, and Sazed are not included in this shot.

"Those who resist me." A scene of Elend drinking wine at a ball, Sazed is standing just a few feet away off to the side.

Cut to black. "Those who... reject me." Scene of Vin and Kelsier flying through the mists at night, leaping around buildings. Scene cuts to black once they jump towards the camera.

"But it matters not." We see Vin running in fear at night.

"Whatever numbers they raise against me." We see the Skaa rebels preparing for battle.

"However hard they fight." Scene of Kelsier brawling with several hazekillers.

We cut back to Vin running and we can see glimpses of what is chasing her. " Nothing will change the outcome."

Very short cut to black, opens with Vin breathing hard and hiding. "They will be crushed." A large figure lands near her, giving us a look at its steel eyes. 

Title of movie.


The Well of Ascension trailer

We hear metal scraping against metal and low frantic breathing.

"Please, listen to me"

Scene of Sazed studying manuscripts. "Whatever I said in the past."

Scene of Elend standing before the Assembly. "However strong my arguments have been."

Scene of Vin leaping to the top of Kredick Shaw. "Despite the events that have proven me."

Cut to black. The speaker is now shouting. "You must listen to me!"

Straff approaches Luthadel with his army. "Enemies descend upon us!"

A scene of each of the crew, all with concerned expressions. "Friends and allies are manipulated against us!"

Scene of Vin within the mist, she looks and we get a brief image of the mist spirit. "And even worse dangers have appeared!"

Cut to black with an open of Elend looking out over the valley below with fear covering his face. "But a worse foe rises!" Close up of a screaming koloss. "One that will bring ruin upon us all!"

Cut to black.

Scene of Vin crying in a corner. "I say to you now."

Scene of Elend with his hands on his head. "All I have said and preached."

"I recant!" Dockson looking up in fear at an enormous foe.

"I recant!" Breeze hiding in a building with snow and ash around him.

"I recant!" Sazed holding someone, screaming.

Title of movie.


Hero of Ages trailer

We have an opening of Scadrial, the sun almost blacked out by how much ash is falling. We see an ashmound explode in the distance.

An unknown person speaks (Ruin)  "The Hero of Ages shall be not a man, but a force. No nation may claim him, no woman shall keep him, and no king may slay him. He shall belong to none, not even himself."

A scene of Vin flying over thousands of koloss. She speaks: "The Hero will have the power to save the world. But he will also have the power to destroy it."

A scene of Elend leading an army against an unseen foe. He speaks: "The Hero of Ages was not simply to be a warrior. He was a person who united others, who brought them together. A leader."

A scene of Sazed sitting in his tent looking at a stack of papers, looking weary. He speaks: "The Hero of Ages was removed from the Terris people. He was not royalty himself, but came to it eventually."

A scene of Tensoon as a wolfhound running towards a distant city, Luthadel. He speaks: "He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be discord, yet they shall love him for it."

A scene of Marsh walking towards the camera with a volcano erupting behind him. He speaks: "He left ruin in his wake, but it was forgotten. He created kingdoms, and then destroyed them as he made the world anew."

Cut to black. Open to a scene of a burning building. We see someone coming out of the flames, holding someone in his arms. Spook speaks: "The Hero will bear the future of the world on his arms."

Cut to black.

Title of movie.


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I LOVE this. It's really fun to see what stuff fans can come up with.

Like, every fanmade Mistborn trailer script I've come across is so good?? If Mistborn is going to be made into a movie the trailer script should reaaaaallly be made by the fans no joke.

Also about the FE script: 


Maybe a short--but vague--explanation of allomancy would also be a good thing. And perhaps some more shots of Kel's plans in motion (Vin at balls, Sazed translating the logbook, Kel writing on the chalkboard, etc). 

They're relevant to the plot, but when done right I think it could create a sense of mystery instead of spoilers.

That's all I have to say tbh, all thoughts aside, though, I really love this. Thanks for sharing! <3

(Cue the orchestra)

Edited by caramel_
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  • 5 weeks later...

A very quick one for Final Empire. I kind of like the idea of building Kelsier up as a series-long protagonist and then yanking that out from the viewer when they actually watch the film.



Mists blow through the dark streets of Luthadel. They are disturbed by a Mistborn passing overhead.


KELSIER stops the coin from a Coinshot in midair, firing it back at the Coinshot before pulling it towards him and spinning out of the way to hit a Hazekiller behind him.


I killed you once before.



You tried.


Kelsier stands in front of the CREW, going through his plan on a blackboard.



I represent that thing you’ve never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try.


Kelsier salutes YEDEN’S ARMY, who cry out and raise their weapons.


I am hope.


CUT TO: VIN and Kelsier sitting at a dinner table.


How do you kill a nobleman in his own mansion?



With a knife to the chest. (Beat) Well, two knives.



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1 hour ago, jamesbondsmith said:

A very quick one for Final Empire. I kind of like the idea of building Kelsier up as a series-long protagonist and then yanking that out from the viewer when they actually watch the film.

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Mists blow through the dark streets of Luthadel. They are disturbed by a Mistborn passing overhead.


KELSIER stops the coin from a Coinshot in midair, firing it back at the Coinshot before pulling it towards him and spinning out of the way to hit a Hazekiller behind him.


I killed you once before.



You tried.


Kelsier stands in front of the CREW, going through his plan on a blackboard.



I represent that thing you’ve never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try.


Kelsier salutes YEDEN’S ARMY, who cry out and raise their weapons.


I am hope.


CUT TO: VIN and Kelsier sitting at a dinner table.


How do you kill a nobleman in his own mansion?



With a knife to the chest. (Beat) Well, two knives.



Oooo, I really like this. It could be something like a teaser trailer, each one focused on a particular main character.

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2 hours ago, jamesbondsmith said:

A very quick one for Final Empire. I kind of like the idea of building Kelsier up as a series-long protagonist and then yanking that out from the viewer when they actually watch the film.

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Mists blow through the dark streets of Luthadel. They are disturbed by a Mistborn passing overhead.


KELSIER stops the coin from a Coinshot in midair, firing it back at the Coinshot before pulling it towards him and spinning out of the way to hit a Hazekiller behind him.


I killed you once before.



You tried.


Kelsier stands in front of the CREW, going through his plan on a blackboard.



I represent that thing you’ve never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try.


Kelsier salutes YEDEN’S ARMY, who cry out and raise their weapons.


I am hope.


CUT TO: VIN and Kelsier sitting at a dinner table.


How do you kill a nobleman in his own mansion?



With a knife to the chest. (Beat) Well, two knives.



I love this idea. Have all the trailers focused on Kell (who is played by the Big Name actor), so that it’s a complete shock when he dies. Plus: make sure his actor’s name is attached to WoA and HoA. In WoA he plays in a flashback scene or something, so we can shock movie-fans again with Secret History intermixed with HoA.

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On 5/30/2021 at 4:18 PM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I love this idea. Have all the trailers focused on Kell (who is played by the Big Name actor), so that it’s a complete shock when he dies. Plus: make sure his actor’s name is attached to WoA and HoA. In WoA he plays in a flashback scene or something, so we can shock movie-fans again with Secret History intermixed with HoA.

Maybe the flashback could be him meeting Sazed or Dockson for the first time. Or even a scene between him and Mare, where we could get introduced to the drawing of the flower.

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6 hours ago, Aon Ati said:

Maybe the flashback could be him meeting Sazed or Dockson for the first time. Or even a scene between him and Mare, where we could get introduced to the drawing of the flower.

I was thinking more something like after Vin talks to Dox she’d have a flashback of Kell telling her to trust. Things tying into Vin’s narrative, with the focus on her and her journey. The idea is to make it look like Kell’s role was about Vin’s growth - only for him to end up alive after all.

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