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The Baking Guild

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Has anyone else gotten bored over quarantine and started..binge baking? I have. I don’t know about anyone else. If you have... what have you baked? Here is a picture of my latest creation!70D3BE12-1B80-4577-8E72-D4EDE9166111.thumb.jpeg.d90a13974af92126633869b03c7ebad4.jpeg

a crepe cake is not baked.

What’s the best thing you’ve made recently?:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made gingerbread today. My mum's been trying to bully me into making it for days because she likes my gingerbread, and I finally made it. But I won't be able to eat much of it because I'm going back home tomorrow, and I can't take a whole batch of gingerbread with me. 

I also got new gingerbread cutters today. I got a really cute bunny and a wombat. I can't wait to eat wombat shaped gingerbread :D. I also borrowed my grandma's panda, pig, cat and dog cookie cutters. Now I have a whole farm of gingerbread animals, they make me so happy XD. 

Except I suck a decorating so I want to put the bunnies in tuxedoes, but that sound too difficult for my skill level. I might just stick to smiley faces like you did @midnight13 :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooo that sounds delicious. I think I'm going to make ownies today if I have all the ingredients in the pantry, my cousin gave me a good recipe that I've been itching to try out. Except I'm too lazy to bake so I may never get around to it. 

Edited by Lecky Twig
Fixed a spelling mistake. yay
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2 minutes ago, Lecky Twig said:

Ooo that sounds delicious. I think I'm going to make ownies today if I have all the ingredients in the pantry, my cousin gave me a good recipe that I've been itching to try out. Except I'm too lazy to bake so I may never get around to it. 

They're marshmallow, butterscotch, and chocolate cookies. Mmm.

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TBH I gave up after my third batch failed, then I started making gingerbread (which is kind of a cookie, but not really). I can make good gingerbread. 

1 hour ago, Condensation said:

That's so sad! I like to bake cookies. Maybe it's something about the way you bake them.

Yeah, usually I bake with Nutlex insread of butter because I have dairy intolerant family members, but I'm determined to make cookies with proper butter and I think it's messing with me a little because butter cooks at a slightly different temperature. 

I'll give cookies abother shot someday soon XD. 

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1 minute ago, Lecky Twig said:

TBH I gave up after my third batch failed, then I started making gingerbread (which is kind of a cookie, but not really). I can make good gingerbread. 

Yeah, usually I bake with Nutlex insread of butter because I have dairy intolerant family members, but I'm determined to make cookies with proper butter and I think it's messing with me a little because butter cooks at a slightly different temperature. 

I'll give cookies abother shot someday soon XD. 

Gingerbread is the greatest. Although I do really like gingersnaps.

Good! Let me know if it works!

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16 hours ago, Lecky Twig said:

I like ginger snaps too! (I like most food hehe). I prefer gingerbread because it's softer. 


Yay! I prefer gingerbread as well. I tried to make it on Christmas...let’s just say I was a little heavy handed with the molasses and it didn’t turn out that well.

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  • 2 months later...

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