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Is there a bug bounty or something?


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I, um, have a wide range of hobbies (a woman must have some hobbies and technically one doesn't need both hands to use a computer, so it's a very seemly hobby). So I wanted to ask what's 17 Shard's policy about hacking checking if the forum doesn't have any security issues (I'm talking about the non-destructive stuff, white-hat of course). I mean, such kind of activities is by default forbidden by law unless explicitly allowed, but if you (the Admins) decided that some amount of security analysis is allowed, or maybe even encouraged, I'd love to know about that. And probably not only I, with such big userbase I guess there would be some people interested in it.

Sorry if this is answered somewhere, I tried to find it, but couldn't.

PS: Same question for Coppermind and Arcanum?

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Let me get this straight, you are a professional hacker. You want to hack the forums, Arcanum, and the Coppermind, but not exploit this. You only want to hack so you can find the weak parts and report them to administration so they can be patched. Is that right? You want to hack in order to help? Cool, my uncle has a job like that. Sadly, I can’t give permission to do this, I don’t have the authority. To do anything. At all. #powerless

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