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Non-Canon (Fanmade) Metallic Arts Quadrant

The Titan God

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This is completely fan-made and is just something i came up with (and of course if this did exist we wouldn't really be able to call them quadrants).

I made a complete metallic arts quadrant. When referring to allomancy, this quadrant is called "Spiritual". When referring to feruchemy, this quadrant is called "Psychic" (basically a second cognitive, like how hybrid is (mostly, never forget electrum boogaloo) a second physical)

  • Silver (external, pulling) (pure)

Allomancy: Silver pulls the target's intent towards the user. This has the effect of allowing the user to know what the target's intent is regardless of anything else. A silver misting is called an Untruth.

Feruchemy: Silver can store emotional influence inside a silvermind. A silver ferring is called a Swinger. Swingers can fill a silvermind, this has the effect of them not feeling any emotions at all, and can then later tap it, this has the effect of greatly increasing the strength of whatever emotion they're feeling (like a rioter using zinc, except only with the emotion they're currently feeling).

Hemalurgy: Silver can steal allomantic spiritual powers.

  • Goloid (external, pushing) (silver, copper and gold (silver's alloy))

Allomancy: Goloid pushes the user's intent onto the target. This causes the target to have the same intent/reason as the user for doing any actions. A goloid misting is called an Encourager.

Feruchemy: Goloid can store creativity inside a goloidmind. A goloid ferring is called a Creator. Creators can fill a goloidmind to undergo a severe lack of creativity and an inability to "think outside the box". Creators can tap a goloidmind to undergo a surge of creativity and create new ideas.

Hemalurgy: Goloid can steal creativity.

  • Lead (internal, pulling) (pure)

Allomancy: Lead pulls on the user's fortune. This has the effect of making the user significantly luckier than normal. A lead misting is called a Fluke.

Feruchemy: Lead can store mental flexibility inside a leadmind. A lead ferring is called a Morpher. Morphers can fill a leadmind to make themselves very strict and unable to adapt/change to their surroundings, possibly unable to read the tone as well. Morphers can tap a leadmind to make it very easy to read the tone, less likely to punish rule-breakers and very capable to adapting to their surroundings.

Hemalurgy: Lead can steal feruchemical psychic powers

  • Terne (internal, pushing) (lead and tin (lead's alloy))

Allomancy: Terne pushes the user's destiny away. This increases the user's freewill and can change the outcome of a battle. Terne can also be used to combat atium (as they will have no shadows). A terne misting is called a Freeman.

Feruchemy: Terne can store artistic ability in a ternemind. A terne ferring is called a Talent. Talents can fill a ternemind to undergo a severe decrease in skill and abilities with anything to do with art. Talents can tap a ternemind to undergo the opposite effect.

Hemalurgy: Terne can steal talent (like a Talent tapping a ternemind, except it extends to all areas)

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