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Strongest Nerd

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Hello All, new to the forums here but after RoW and wanting to learn more about the Cosmere and other Brandson Sanderson works I decided to join! I was introduced to Sanderson's book about 5 years ago and started with The Way of Kings, since then I've read all of the Cosmere books and most of his other works.

A little about myself, I am a computer programmer and personal trainer, and I love lifting weights! I compete in powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting (hence the username) and hold a state record in Oklahoma for the bench press.

I hope to have fun and learn a lot!


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Welcome to the Shard! So you're telling me you're a computer programmer AND a record holding weightlifter??? Uhh... WHAT? That's awesome! You sure you don't happen to be some kindof of experimental crossover project from the future? :P

I would say that title definitely sounds like it's yours! So happy to have you join us with RoW just out it is the perfect time. This is THE place to get your full Sanderson on I think you've arrived :D WoK is an excellent starting spot too! 

If you could choose an alternate book to start the Cosmere with would you? Welcome to the Shard!

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On 12/6/2020 at 1:08 AM, Scout_Fox said:

Welcome to the Shard! So you're telling me you're a computer programmer AND a record holding weightlifter??? Uhh... WHAT? That's awesome! You sure you don't happen to be some kindof of experimental crossover project from the future? :P

I would say that title definitely sounds like it's yours! So happy to have you join us with RoW just out it is the perfect time. This is THE place to get your full Sanderson on I think you've arrived :D WoK is an excellent starting spot too! 

If you could choose an alternate book to start the Cosmere with would you? Welcome to the Shard!

Haha thank you, not an experimental crossover last I checked! My nerdiness just happens to apply to sports science!

I would probably start with Elantris simply because I like starting things in the order they were written. If not that book, then Warbreaker! I love that book!

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Phew good, good then glad we don't have to get out our cyborg containment unit awesome to get to meet you! :D And that's perfect that you enjoy that so much do what you enjoy for sure!

Ooh interesting thinking here yeah being able to read things as they are revealed to us and not just necessarily how they unfold is a good way to go about it. Nice choice! Warbreaker would also make an excellent staring spot you are so right!

Oh and because we know it makes you feel SO welcomed gotta slap you with a "you did something wrong" to really make those warm fuzzies fit :P Lols no biggie but mods prefer if you don't double post. You can tap the plus icon next to Quote on multiple people's posts to quote them all at once in one mega post! Look forward to seeing you around!

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