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Hello, would you like to destroy some evil today?

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Hullo, fellow crazies.  I've been a Cosmere fan for about six months now, though it feels like it's been years.   After finishing Mistborn, I knew I was hooked, and this is officially my favorite fandom.  I've wanted to join for a while now, but my friend told me to wait till I read Rhythm of War.  I finished just yesterday, so here I am!

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10 hours ago, Truthwatcher at the Rim said:

Hullo, fellow crazies.  I've been a Cosmere fan for about six months now, though it feels like it's been years.   After finishing Mistborn, I knew I was hooked, and this is officially my favorite fandom.  I've wanted to join for a while now, but my friend told me to wait till I read Rhythm of War.  I finished just yesterday, so here I am!

Welcome to the Shard! Amazing name, btw. What’s your favorite cosmere book? And do you know Kindness? 

Edited by Ookla the Tortured
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Thank you!  It kinda just clicked.  Favorite cosmere book...  It's really hard to choose.  I'd probably have to go with The Way of Kings.  Mistborn got me into the fandom, but WOK got me into the fandom, if you know what I mean.  Yeah, I know Kindness irl.  She was actually the one who introduced me to Sanderson.

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4 hours ago, Truthwatcher at the Rim said:

Thank you!  It kinda just clicked.  Favorite cosmere book...  It's really hard to choose.  I'd probably have to go with The Way of Kings.  Mistborn got me into the fandom, but WOK got me into the fandom, if you know what I mean.  Yeah, I know Kindness irl.  She was actually the one who introduced me to Sanderson.

Whaaaat? How do so many people know so many people? I don't know a single other Sanderfan irl, but I'm trying  to get my friend to read WoK. 

Edited by Ookla the Tortured
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Welcome to the Shard! I would like to destroy some evil today so happy to have you join us :D Many props to Kindness for getting you into Sanderson! Will she be receiving like a Best Friend Ever medal or something? :P

Awesome you finished up RoW yesterday! This is the perfect time to be joining and hope you find tons of awesome discussions to launch into. I can totally feel you on WoK really getting you into the fandom for real, for real. Reading it is just... WOW :blink: It's truly an awesome experience!

So cool you know Cosmere fans irl and hopefully you find many more on here as well. Sadly I agree with Bearer here in literally both aspects lol:

On 11/29/2020 at 2:49 PM, Ookla the Tortured said:

Whaaaat? How do so many people know so many people? I don't know a single other Sanderfan irl, but I'm trying  to get my friend to read WoK. 

Hope you enjoy the Shard!

Edited by Scout_Fox
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45 minutes ago, Truthwatcher at the Rim said:

I actually never realized how lucky I am to know Cosmere fans irl...



Oh yes you are very lucky. I don’t know anyone irl who reads cosmere. I have made some real good friends on the shard though :)

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8 hours ago, Scout_Fox said:

Welcome to the Shard! I would like to destroy some evil today so happy to have you join us :D Many props to Kindness for getting you into Sanderson! Will she be receiving like a Best Friend Ever medal or something? :P

Awesome you finished up RoW yesterday! This is the perfect time to be joining and hope you find tons of awesome discussions to launch into. I can totally feel you on WoK really getting you into the fandom for real, for real. Reading it is just... WOW :blink: It's truly an awesome experience!

So cool you know Cosmere fans irl and hopefully you find many more on here as well. Sadly I agree with Bearer here in literally both aspects lol:

Hope you enjoy the Shard!

Hehe. Yeah, it’s pretty lonely up here. :)  it’s all right. I have all of you. 

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9 hours ago, The Traveller said:

Favourite cosmere books? Favourite characters? 

Oh gosh... WOK, like I already said... HOA (though that one hurts my soul), AOL (I was not expecting what I got and it was fantastic), SH (not technically a book, but whatever), Sixth of the Dusk (same; idk the abbreviation for it XD), I mean, all of the Stormlight Archive...  It's so hard to choose when they're all so good.

Characters...  Thank you for making that plural.  Kelsier, Elend, Kaladin, Adolin, Renarin, Syl, Wayne, Hoid, basically everyone from Warbreaker... yeah, let's go with that.


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54 minutes ago, Truthwatcher at the Rim said:

I could list half of the characters he's ever created, not to mention the ones I like but don't love per se

I actually hate very few Sanderson characters

I hate very few, but those I hate, I hate.

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