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Hey just signed up to the forum, finished RoW and saw some discussion on reddit and lurked here a bit over the years.


I went to a book signing a few years ago and enjoyed the reading at the time (Sadly couldn't stay long enough to get anything signed.)


I had locked away in the back of my mind a November-ish release date and happily checked the site a week ago, got the new novella and ordered RoW, just finished it early today. Really enjoyed it. I've read most Cosmere books - basically missing only White Sand.


Of non- Cosmere stuff I have only read Skyward but will start on Starsight soon.

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Welcome to the Shard Legion! So happy to have you come join us and turn that turkey-lurkey into turkey-workey (hey at least the bad jokes are Thanksgiving themed now :P)!

So awesome you were able to get to a book signing! We'll get back to them eventually but for now that is an especially cherished experience! Man, that must have been quite the day to open up the site and find a whole new set of books to continue the reading, so glad you enjoyed :D With the rest of the Cosmere in there too you are perfect for us!

Where did you start the Cosmere and do you wish you had started elsewhere? Look forward to seeing you around!

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I started with The Way of Kings in late 2016 recommended by a colleague- I think for most of us the first book will always have a special place. I then read Words of Radiance, the Mistborn ones and then caught up the rest before Oathbringer. Aside from a few obvious highlights in the main Stormlight books my favourite is the ending to Warbringer.

It hasn't been a good pandemic experience so far, happy to get back to reading in general- enjoyed taking two days off at the end of last week to dedicate some time to WoR.

It's interesting to think about a possible different reading experience/ starting point, knowing how some of the pieces fit together.

I wouldn't change anything but if I had read Mistborn 1-3 before WoR had been released that could have made for a very interesting experience.


Thank you for the welcome to the community!

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You are totally welcome, delighted to have you join! WoK is definitely a good spot to start! And man if that colleague got you hooked on the Cosmere I think they might just deserve a Best Colleague Ever award there :P

Awesome that you were able to get in some WoR time last week, reading is always there to make things better when everything seems to be completely crazy :D Ooh and cooliota yeah Mistborn before WoR definitely gives you a new perspective on things. Welcome again!

Edited by Scout_Fox
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