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Master Silver

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Ok, so SPOILER, SPOILER, SPOILER, don't read if you haven't finished the book. 


Everyone was extremely sad with another loss to Bridge Four, and the way it happened, heart wrenching. I imagine though, killing spren is going to be far harder than the fuse think because.... shard blade/shard shields. Now that the Radiants know about this, their spren just need to make sure they manifest in their shard blade form if someone is trying to stab them. Thinking of that made me take a deep breath. Side note, can someone explain to me how this will allow conservation of investiture to be maintained? 

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3 hours ago, Master Silver said:

Everyone was extremely sad with another loss to Bridge Four, and the way it happened, heart wrenching. I imagine though, killing spren is going to be far harder than the fuse think because.... shard blade/shard shields. Now that the Radiants know about this, their spren just need to make sure they manifest in their shard blade form if someone is trying to stab them

I am not sure that will work.  The contact may still produce a similar explosion.

3 hours ago, Master Silver said:

Thinking of that made me take a deep breath. Side note, can someone explain to me how this will allow conservation of investiture to be maintained? 

The investiture is being converted into energy.

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Does that energy eventually return two investiture. Or does that make it a net loss of investiture for the Cosmere or Shard? Also, (and I've only listened to the book once), but in order for the anti-stormlight or anti-voidlight to work, does it need to be interacting with its counterpart in the same physical state (solid, liquid, gas, plasma)? The void light running through the body of the Fused resides in their gem-heart, but it is in the normal state of void light. When a spren turns into a blade they change states, from light to a solid. I really don't want to dive into the wave-particle duality, and not sure if that would be useful for this particular discussion. 

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