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Which was "the scene" Brandon mentioned


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In his newsletter he mentions that it’s a sequence from chapters 105-110. So that’s probably the sequence that starts with Kal finishing his fight against Lezian, continuing through Teft dying, Lezian taking another swing at him and getting rocked, up through Kal speaking his fourth oath and saving Lirin. 

(Technically other stuff happens in those chapters since viewpoints shift around, but Kal’s fourth oath sequence is clearly the most dramatic thing that starts on chapter 105 and ends in 110.)

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I swung between Kal's 4th Ideal and Navani's bonding with Sibling but then I realised that Brandon hadn't orginally planned Navani to be a lead character but the scene he was painting has been with him for quiet a significant amount of time. Plus, Navani's bonding with Sibling was...less amplified than Kaladin's 4th Ideal. 

I mean that scene was freaking, freaking stormfreaking awesome, the whole sequence actually! My favorite scene from the book, no matter how much it was predicted! 

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I am still at a loss. None of the so far mentioned scenes had the right “fit” for me.

- Navanis role wasn’t yet planned.

- I do not see the scope in the epilogue.

- Regarding Kaladins oath I beg to ask: Why should THIS oath be the “driving” one, why not the first, second, third or fifth?

- The replacement of the Odium vessel is surprising, shocking, implication loaded; and it might be the best guess so far, but I am not wholly convinced, either :-/


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48 minutes ago, Michael Portz said:


- The replacement of the Odium vessel is surprising, shocking, implication loaded; and it might be the best guess so far, but I am not wholly convinced, either :-/


Ok... but why? 

I knew it was the scene in the exact moment I've read it. It was the single most eventful and game changing event in the series so far 

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1 minute ago, IcaroRibeiro said:

Ok... but why? 

I knew it was the scene in the exact moment I've read it. It was the single most eventful and game changing event in the series so far 

Because it conflicts with my imagination of Brandons or any other powerful writing process.

The basic idea of the scene is: "And then the fragile, old, dying king slays the incredibly powerful godlike being with an incredibly powerful weapon he just happens to find and takes the role of the god." This is great, but not original enough and not Roshar specific enough that Brandon will keep it such a long time. The described events do not fullfil my expectation (for this being THE scene) either; well written, tense, exciting, but nothing we have not seen as good or better by Brandon, even in this book.

(Don't get me wrong: The scene is all what you say about it, and above all important!!!!)

How about Eshonais Death scene? The fallen hero, being smashed about by the forces, fighting, dying, progressing, ascending. And then the THE FLIGHT OVER ROSHAR ... now THAT is something I can imagine being written by Brandon so long ago and cherished and saved and now finally published.

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Brandon Sanderson

At long last, after two years of hard work, I’m pleased to present to you Rhythm of War, the fourth book of the Stormlight Archive. I won’t give you a pitch on the book, since by now I suspect you know whether or not you’re going to be reading it. (And if you’re not certain, you’d start with Book One anyway.) Instead, I present to you a few little tidbits about the story.


Part Five

Favorite chapters in Part Five: a sequence that starts in 105 and ends in 110. This is actually a central sequence from my very early outlines, which I’ve mentioned I’ve been waiting over a decade now to share with you all.

Most difficult chapter in Part Five: Chapter 105. You’ll see why.

Miscellaneous 2020 (Nov. 17, 2020)

It is Kaladin's path to 4th Ideal clearly because it is the only sequence that begins from Chapter 105.....unless Brandon was wishing Moash to drop Teft's body and keep dropping it for next five chapters or Navani (Who was not planned as a central character) and Roboniel (Who is fairly new) are conversing about passions. 

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Here is the excerpt from Brandon's newsletter, where he himself identifies the scene/sequence.


Part Five

Favorite chapters in Part Five: a sequence that starts in 105 and ends in 110. This is actually a central sequence from my very early outlines, which I’ve mentioned I’ve been waiting over a decade now to share with you all.


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Perhaps it is the formation of shardplate, rather than the fourth ideal specifically. The description happens in chapter 110, but the whole sequence leading up to it spans across chapters 105-110 as noted in the newsletter. It's a pretty cool visual: "With his hand outstretched, Kaladin watched as a windspren slammed into it and flashed, outlining his hand with a glowing transparent gauntlet. A dozen others slammed into him, joyful, exultant. Lines of light exploded around him as the spren transformed—being pulled into this realm and choosing to Connect to him....."

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2 hours ago, Starla said:

Perhaps it is the formation of shardplate, rather than the fourth ideal specifically. The description happens in chapter 110, but the whole sequence leading up to it spans across chapters 105-110 as noted in the newsletter. It's a pretty cool visual: "With his hand outstretched, Kaladin watched as a windspren slammed into it and flashed, outlining his hand with a glowing transparent gauntlet. A dozen others slammed into him, joyful, exultant. Lines of light exploded around him as the spren transformed—being pulled into this realm and choosing to Connect to him....."


I absolutely think it was seeing the formation of Kaladin’s shardplate. Brandon has said that one of the big inspirations for the series was the idea of magical power armor: 


So do you have, like, "what if" questions and then you build a universe from there?

Brandon Sanderson

Usually they're "what if" questions, but Sanderson's Zeroth Law--I've got these laws on magic you can look up,  they're named humbly after myself--so Sanderson's Zeroth Law is "Always err on the side of what's awesome". And usually it's less even a "what if?" and it's a "That's so cool, taser toads!" Like if you really want to know the truth of where The Stormlight Archive started, there's all this cool stuff, like part of it was like "What if there was a storm like the storm on Jupiter". And then I eventually changed it to a storm that goes around the planet, something like that, but the real truth was "Magical power armor. YEAH! Magical power armor is cool! Plate mail power armor! Why would you need plate mail power armor?" Y'know, and it starts with the really cool idea. Mistborn started by me drifting in a fog bank at eighty miles per hour in my car and loving how it looked as it drove past and saying "Is there a world where I can imitate this feel, where you look out and it streams by." It's those early visuals or concepts that make me say "Oh yeah, I wanna do that!". That is where my books really come from, and then I layer on top of them the "what ifs?" and trying to build a realistic ecology based around these ideas.

Footnote: Brandon has previously discussed this electrified world in relation to a novel titled Dark One.
DragonCon 2016 (Sept. 3, 2016)


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