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Just finished Dawnshard and can't WAIT to read RoW. I read the Mistborn Trilogy about three years ago and didn't make any cosmere connections until after I rereaded the Stormlight Archives for the third time. Totally blew my mind. I found out about the 17th Shard just recently and can't wait to discuss theories! 

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Thanks for the tip! And since it's definitely hard to pick just one I'd say Kelsier, Raoden, or Hoid. Mistborn was the first Sanderson book I ever read and Kelsier definitely left a big impression on me. And before I knew about the cosmere Hoid was just popping up in all the books and I kept thinking what?! I love every scene he's in no matter the series.

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Welcome to the Shard! Delighted to have you come join us!

Man going back on Mistborn with Cosmere knowledge, literally a whole new world! I can agree on mind being blown as well, definitely had to have some minor brain reconstruction the first time I find out about it :P So with you on the RoW wait too, going to need a time machine or something :D

How did you find out about the Shard? Let us know if you have any questions as well!

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After rereading the first three books in prep for RoW recently I was thinking about connections between Cusicesh and one of the Unmade, googled it and saw a post already about it! I forgot about this until after finishing Dawnshard and I've just been reading theories since joining :D

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Ooh yes I love when you find something like that! A perfectly thought out discussion all there for reading and amazingness :D So glad you are enjoying the theories!

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Have you read Arcanum Unbounded, specifically Mistborn: Secret History? If I remember correctly I had already stumbled onto the existence of the cosmere while doing some research into how the metallic arts worked, but reading Secret History is when I truly understood the scope of the connections and what Brandon was trying to do doing. And of course once I read it I had to go back and reread all of Mistborn Era 1 because it adds a whole extra layer of meaning to everything that happened

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I'm pretty sure I read Arcanum Unbounded after most of the other cosmere books (Era 1-> Elantris -> SA -> Era 2) and read Warbreaker after that. I wasn't able to fully connect all the dots until after I reread all of them though. I remember rereading WoK and reaching the interlude where "Grump" starts talking in Duladen, saying "kayana" and I was just FREAKING out. And I loved reading Mistborn: Secret History because of all the behind-the-scenes action going on! 

And that quiz is so cool! I got 74% Lightweaver & 71% Willshaper and can't decide which I'd like to be more.

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Hi welcome @spitfireky! And ooh either of those orders would be awesome. I’m particularly excited to learn more about Willshapers in the future instalments! I’ve done that quiz several times making slight adjustments to see how if effects the outcome and I seem to get Truthwatcher and Windrunner pretty consistently:huh::)

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