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Advanced Fabrial Mechanics [dawnshard spoilers, but very minor]


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So, the Ch. 15 Epigraph mentions logicspren and one their purposes in advanced fabrials. During the discord discussion, it was brought up that Aon Ene, which means logic and debate, is used as a linking Aon to join lists together and to determine their timings. We know of only one other linking Aon, Ehe, fire, and it is used to start other Aon Chains. It was theorized that flamespren could be used in fabrials to the same effect. This is kind of hinted at with what Rushu gets distracted reading, the interestinmg interactins of Logicspren and Flamespren. So, yay! for that theory. Now questioning time, what other spren/Aons can be used for similar purposes?

I would guess the Aon Soi, meaning "order" for the creation of lists and chains, and possibly Orderspren or Neatspren for the fabrial purposes. Aon Soo means "mathematics" so possibly some combination of effects? 

What d'y'all think?

Edited by rosin_the_beau
fixing title
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