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Typo in the Knights Radiant quiz

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Not really sure where this belongs or the best way to flag this for Team Dragonsteel's attention but I was having a blast with the new quiz on the website. Noticed however that there was a lore error in the results for the Truthwatchers. It identifies them as having three Surges, but one of them (Regrowth) is an application of Progression rather than being a Surge unto itself.

It's a whole lot of fun, the geek in me just hates seeing the mistake, y'know? ;)

Surge Typo.png

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It doesn't look like a typo to me. The second sentence is using a singular verb, so "Progression and Regrowth" is the name of one Surge. Which is also born out by their being no commas in "Progression and Regrowth and Illumination." It's the old "spaghetti and meatballs" exception, where you'd say "spaghetti and meatballs is my favorite dish" or "we had spaghetti and meatballs and pizza for breakfast."

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I found this odd, too. I guess they think Progression by itself is too vague, but if they wrote "Surges of Progression and Illumination" they could just write in the next line: "Progression (also called Regrowth) allows you to..."

At least they changed it from "Surgebinding powers of" to "Surges" which really irked me before.

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