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The Girl Who Looked Up/ Warbreaker Connections


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OK, so this has probably been pointed out before, and people are probably tired of The Girl Who Looked Up theories, but here I go. 

First: the hair.

In Shallan's version of the story, the girl's hair changes to white mid-story. This is reminiscent of the Royal Locks on Nalthis. White hair signifies that a person is afraid, which fits in with the story - the girl had just started climbing the wall, which was a daunting and fear-inspiring task.

The scarf.

Shallan notes that the girl has a "vibrant red scarf." Brandon doesn't normally put in details like this unless they are important. Color is the base for the magic system on Nalthis. Note that it wasn't just a "red scarf", but a "vibrant red scarf." I find this detail to be important, as it reminds me of the way colors are described in Warbreaker. Perhaps the girl is an Awakener?

No light.

This is small, but in Hoid's version of the story, he emphasizes that the land had no light. Because of the darkness, the normal people couldn't see the wall. But if the girl was an Awakener of the Third Heightening, she would have been able to distinguish the slight color change of the shadows where the wall was.

Anyway, that's just some things I noticed. Is the theory true? Most likely not. Did I spend way too much time thinking about this? Yes

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People have definitely noted some connections, someone asked Brando if the Girl Who Looked Up was Shashara



*written* Was Shashara known to wear red scarves?

Brandon Sanderson

*written* Nope.

*spoken* Good question. Good question


What did you get Matt?


Shashara was not known to wear red scarves.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)



Hmm.... a girl with a red scarf, wondering what's beyond a wall.... could it be? Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan???

Edited by Dreamer
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