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aTin enhances the mind


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I am rereading all of the Cosmere books and in HoA when Spook removes the Spike giving him Pewter he is overwhelmed by all that he could ignore using Pewter and he lets his Tin dim so that he no longer feels everything like he usually does. But when he Flares it again this happens.


"With a scream of pain. Spook flared tin. As the metal always did, it brought a wave of sensations-thousands of them, shocking him at once. Pain. Feeling. Hearing . Sounds,smells, lights. And lucidity."

emphasis mine.


Wouldn't having all of those sensations at once cause him to to go into shock, instead of bringing him lucidity?


I thought about it and what I came up with is it doesn't increase his senses, as much as it increases his mind making him more able to process the wide array of information his senses give him. ( I'm not sure if people know this but people hear and see far more than we think, we just can't process the information so it gets ignored. )

Not making him smarter just more observant. 


Anyway, thoughts? Am I completely bonkers or am I on to something?


( If you aren't quite sure what I'm asking/saying just ask and I will try to clarify. But remember I am a New Zealander and we basically speak another language. It's so hard trying to translate Kiwi into American )

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'Sup fellow Kiwi. 


Tin almost definitely enhanced the mind enough for the burner to be able to process the information. However, I would say that the opposite of sensation is numbness that leads to unconsciousness. The sensation itself however leads to lack of numbness - hence lucidity. Just like how you splash cold water on your face in the mornings to wake yourself up. 

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Have you ever been hit so hard that you get knocked out? I have and it was the shock of the pain that knocked me out.

So why would him feeling all of those sensations not do the same to him? Unless it enhances his mind making it more durable, much like how Allomantic pewter makes the body more durable.




EDIT: I need to stop posting whilst intoxicated makes my posts seem confrontational. Its starting to bug me.

Edited by SmurfAquamarineBodies
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I got to stop sleeping intoxicated, it makes me not wake up ready to discuss.

HHere's a try!

Ok, I think both is happening, inhancing the senses, and expanding your mind to take it in.

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Many investitures display significant amounts of mind enhancement to accompany the effects of Investiture. Most notably on Scadrial is Atium, which literally expands your mind drastically to allow it to process the precog information. Steel/Iron also seem to have some minor mental expansion effects that are notable, among others. Off world, both Breath and Stormlight show dramatic expanded mental effects to go along with their magic ones.

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I was thinking more in terms of durability. Though you are right about all of it.


Wildly off-topic but when i was rereading HoA and Vin took the power of Preservation she described her mind when it expanded as 'Awakening'. Interesting choice of word there. speaking of breath

Edited by SmurfAquamarineBodies
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All of Allomancy expands the mind in some way. Tin would be less useful it didn't.


From the Mistborn annotations:


Allomancy’s Mental Effects

An interesting side note is to watch how Allomancy—all of its forms—enhances the mind in some way. Though the original concept for the magic system focused on different powers—some physical, some mental—the final product always had a mental component. Notice how, when burning tin, Spook is more able to focus on solitary conversations in the room. Or how his mind can filter out the mist or the cloth he wears. Burning pewter or tin will also make the mind more alert and awake. Burning atium not only lets one see a little bit into the future, but also lets one process that information in a useful way.

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The same thing happens with Vin after she and Kelsier pewterdrag in TFE, she is about to pass out until Kelsier tells her to flare her tin which snaps her back to lucidity.  I always thought of it as similar to smelling salts in a way, the stimulation is enough to "wake them up" without over-stimulating them.

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Have you ever been hit so hard that you get knocked out? I have and it was the shock of the pain that knocked me out.

So why would him feeling all of those sensations not do the same to him? Unless it enhances his mind making it more durable, much like how Allomantic pewter makes the body more durable.




EDIT: I need to stop posting whilst intoxicated makes my posts seem confrontational. Its starting to bug me.

Peace, friend  :D I know you're just contributing


However you'll probably find its not, it's actually got to do with the spine and how delicate it is. Though it hurts a lot, I doubt there are many times in your life you should actually experience pain so strong it makes you pass out. Mostly it's physical trauma, not mental is what I'm saying. 


It's funny, I've always thought the added senses were intuitive, but the more you think of it... 

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Peace, friend  :D I know you're just contributing


However you'll probably find its not, it's actually got to do with the spine and how delicate it is. Though it hurts a lot, I doubt there are many times in your life you should actually experience pain so strong it makes you pass out. Mostly it's physical trauma, not mental is what I'm saying. 


It's funny, I've always thought the added senses were intuitive, but the more you think of it... 


You would be surprised, I think, at the amount of times I have fainted from straight pain, not physical trauma. Like the time someone, a smurfing Maori, thought it would be funny to rub deep-heat into second degree sunburn ( gotta love NZ sun ) I got a few years ago. Fainted straight away.

Woke up and had... words with him.

I could list more times but I can't be smurfed.


But regardless we are both right, sort of, kind of, maybe? according to the Mistborn annotations

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