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Interesting Parallel

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I was rereading the Mistborn series, and got to the Battle of Luthadel in WoA.  When Vin arrives at the battle, I saw a passage that made me stop and think for a while.  (I don't have the paper version with me, so the Kindle location will have to do...)



She could fight, could kill, if it meant defending those who could not defend themselves.

     -Location 19887 Kindle Edition


She would defend those who could not defend themselves.  I think that this seems suspiciously close to something our favorite bridgeboy said during Way of Kings.  Any thoughts?  Is Sanderson pulling some big trick on us with all of the ideals?  I don't really think so, but it is an interesting coincidence. 

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I was rereading the Mistborn series, and got to the Battle of Luthadel in WoA.  When Vin arrives at the battle, I saw a passage that made me stop and think for a while.  (I don't have the paper version with me, so the Kindle location will have to do...)



She would defend those who could not defend themselves.  I think that this seems suspiciously close to something our favorite bridgeboy said during Way of Kings.  Any thoughts?  Is Sanderson pulling some big trick on us with all of the ideals?  I don't really think so, but it is an interesting coincidence. 


I think it more has to do with the parallel between the intent in Honor and Preservation than with the ideals. Both shards are kind of geared toward this concept, with Kaladin being of Honor, and Vin being of Preservation. 

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Well, this conclusively settles which KR order Vin would be part of. :)


Seriously, great catch! I read WoK well before I read Mistborn, and I still didn't notice that. I doubt there's an in-universe reason, but it could simply be that the idea of that particular philosophy has been rattling about in Brandon Sanderson's head for a while, and he enjoys writing characters who exemplify the idea.

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It certainly is an interesting parallel, and one I hadn't picked up on. As an aside, it's interesting to note what Orders of Knights certain characters might be if they go to Roshar (Wax the Skybreaker).

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It certainly is an interesting parallel, and one I hadn't picked up on. As an aside, it's interesting to note what Orders of Knights certain characters might be if they go to Roshar (Wax the Skybreaker).


In alloy of law i think wax breaks the law simply by investigating and not telling the police about it, and he does it to protect poeple (who cannot protect themselves), so i think he would also be part of the wind runner clan.


But on topic, nice catch, pretty awesome actually. have an upvote. :)

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I don't think that Wax would be a skybreaker, while he shows a great mind for justice he disrespects the law far to much. A skybreaker must be completely, and almost creepily, obsessed with the all laws like  Sezth. If anything I'd place Wax as a Windrunner and Wayne as a Lightweaver because of his creativity. Yes I do sea his impersonations of people as a art, and think about how a  cryptic scholar would enjoy his word play. If anyone were to be a sky breaker I'd have to say Lightsong, and that's a stretch

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Bear in mind that the only example of a Skybreaker we've seen so far is Nale - and we all know (or at least, highly suspect) that he is somehow twisted. I feel Wax is a Skybreaker more than a Windrunner because he does it for justice more than simple protection of the innocent. 


But understandably it's hard to debate something on which we know so little on... 

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Windrunner-archetypes do make for good hero protagonists. They're the people that want good despite law or with it, who tend to be aligned with the law but come into conflict with it, who have a reason to fight that involves protection.

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Another parallel - Sazed the Edgedancer!! "He's found a new bit of lore, Vin thought. To a Keeper, that's probably as intoxicating as Streetspice." In fact, most Keepers in general I would imagine (or even most Archivists).

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Also when Sazed is talking to Elend about him losing the throne because of Elend telling the truth, Sazed says "but a man must be cohesive with himself." Cohesive is an odd word to say in that circumstance, "be true to himself" seems like a better phrase. So was that a deliberate placement? Could it be a clue as to the properties of the Surge Cohesion?

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A good find for sure!  As noted above, that sort of trait does tend to be the hero trope in most stories.  I'm pretty sure we could start listing other characters from the Cosmere and trying to slot them into the Knights Radiant orders (hey, maybe we should!) because the orders themselves were intended to embody principles and traits that would encompass multiple people.  Some more than others.

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