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Inktober 2019 (AKA CBST Nostalgia Art)

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Hey, we're on page two now, how cool!! I honestly had no idea what do to for "Sling" at first, but then I did some research and discovered that a sling is actually an alcoholic drink. Who knew! It's not wine, but.... I think I can make the stretch. :P

On 8/28/2019 at 2:16 PM, Shard of Thought said:

That's it, Star thought to herself. I'm going to die here and I'm never going to see Pheonix again. My Author must hate me by now. I'm a failure. I haven't done anything for anyone since I was brought back into reality and have only whined since Silence dragged us all here. I'm whining now, storm it all! 

Star leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes. She was exhausted. "Wonderful," she said aloud. "We'll just wait here until Silence comes back and kills us all and we'll never see anyone ever again. That's wonderful. Absolutely, scudding wonderful."

On 8/28/2019 at 3:57 PM, BringerofShadows said:

“I think this calls for a glass of wine,” BoS sat down, summoned a bottle of white wine and a glass and poured herself some. 

I think I captured the tension of this moment with the look on Shadow's face. She's just done. As always with my drawings, don't look too closely at the hands. ;) At least, not the right one. 


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Sorry I'm so late, guys, I had a lot of trouble figuring out what I'd do for "Tread" and I'm kinda sick and miserable today, so I'm just proud of getting done with it. 

Originally, I was going to draw Tamika dancing, but then I started and.... It was really hard. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out something that'd work and I decided to to Butt Venture because I don't really have a set character profile for him and he DEFINITELY tread on poor little Shadow. (page 621 of TLT) He's so cute, but Shards he can be a real jerk. I miss 'im though. Here's to hoping we can bridge the universes soon! 


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For "Treasure" I've done something that hasn't happened yet, but has been hinted at. 

On 6/29/2019 at 11:31 AM, Shard of Thought said:

“When I look at you,” she said solemnly. “I see a little girl. Broken by an unforgiving world that didn’t deserve her. A masterpiece of words, love, and emotion that dared to hope for something more and was met with scorn. Who had everything torn away from her and was left with nothing but a darkened shell. And then, despite it all, she crawled out from a pit of shadows. No help. All alone. She transformed herself into a reflection of the cold darkness around her and slowly lost her mind. And just before she ran herself in the ground at full speed, a few voices convinced her to pull up.” An image of Pheonix’s face appeared on the floor before Star. He was smiling brightly, his hair at full roar. “She was in so much pain,” the Author said, her voice breaking. “But she stood up. She looked the darkness in the eyes and said, ‘Storm. You.’ She became a hero. Oh, she made mistakes. And they hurt her so deeply. But it didn’t matter. She had beaten herself. 

“And now I see you… covered in burns. Physical manifestations of a belief that eats at her everyday, of a terrible past. But you can beat this. I know you can.” She snapped her fingers and in the marble reflection, Star’s burns melted away. Her hair was tied back in a braid and adorned with a crystal tiara. The projection of Pheonix winked, a blush on his usually pale cheeks. Star found herself sobbing. Warmth blossomed in her chest; an unshakeable feeling of peace and determination. 

It's now a circlet instead of a tiara, but I think it'll fit her well. Let's be rid of that old black iron crown for good, eh? She's well past that. Or is she....? :ph34r:

All foreshadowing aside, I think I did a really nice job of this. And I really like her wardrobe change, the little dress is cute. ^_^


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Okay, guys, I have had this one drawn since Saturday. It is amazing. For the prompt "Ghost" I give you one of the most beautiful things I have ever drawn. I did Thought in a bolder, more raw style to show her emotion and drew AJ in a thinner, more detailed tone, yet he's fading away. I think I really captured Thought's anguish at his death. Plus it's just really beautiful, so there's that. 


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For the prompt "Ancient" I give you the most ancient thing I could think of - the fabled Tombstone key! I tried to make it look almost more like a spear than a key because Thought's symbol is her spear and this thing unlocked that power, so that's pretty storming cool. And I also put two infinity symbols in there because eternal life and all that. I had a lot of fun doing this one. It's different and unique.


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Okay, I am so happy about this one, you guys!! :D Y'all know about my obsession with hot cocoa - it warms the soul - so the obvious choice for the prompt "Tasty" was to draw Pheo and Star with that lovely substance. :wub: This turned out so well and I'm so happy to present it to all of you. Xino, I hope this can cheer you up a bit. ^_^


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There’s such a contrast in your art. Such happy scenes, then scenes just full of misery. It’s wonderful to be honest. *gives thumbs-up* And they’re just so beautiful together. #OTP.


...but the tradition must continue...as always...don’t look at the hand. :ph34r:


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For "Dark" the obvious choice was the Queen of Shadows herself! I think this drawing really shows my progress, considering I'd never worked with ink until this month. :lol: The reflections in her hair on on her waist look super cool. I also think it's worthwhile to mention that I used her star pendant on "Legend" too. Thought it was a pretty cool way to connect her to Star.



Edited by Shard of Thought
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Okay, guys, sorry, I'm late... A day behind. I missed a week of school last week, so I'm struggling to catch up and my art is getting really abused because of this. You should be glad; that means I'm actually spending time and giving you quality artwork. Because I love my craft. ^_^ Yesterday's prompt was "Ride" and I couldn't think of anything but a handerfle; they ride Tom's ship of course, and in Fallen, they give AJ and Thought a ride to that ship. And what better handerfle to do than Ralvon himself? What a fascinating charcater... I used a new technique on the wings, I think it paid off, wouldn't ya say?  :D


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Happy Halloween, everyone! I actually finished this last night, but I couldn't get a good picture then and mornings are always hectic for me, so I'm finally posting it now. The prompt for this drawing was "Catch" and I could think of nothing better than Michael catching Xino's shot. I drew his shoulders too wide and did his legs too thin so sorry about that. Otherwise, I think it's pretty decent. ^_^


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Guys. I did it. I finished Inktober. I'm not sure how to feel about this, honestly. I've put a lot of love into each of these and it's so amazing to see how much I've progressed from doing this challenge. I'm so glad my friend convinced me to do it, this has been really gratifying work - even if it did take me about an hour for each one. I think what's really crazy to think about is that I had never used ink as a medium before 30 days ago. :lol: Anyway, thanks for being excited to see these. Without the Shard, these drawings wouldn't exist and I probably wouldn't have done Inktober in the first place. I love all of you so much!!! 

Okay, the last prompt is "Ripe." I had no idea what to do for this prompt until I looked up the word's definition - completely matured, fully grown or developed, or of mature judgement or knowledge. Most of my characters - Star, Ember, Sophie, Astral - aren't really at that stage yet. They have a long way to go. I do have a character, however, who's been through more than any of them combined, albeit not all of it is written (yet). And that is Tamika. 

I typically draw Tami in one of three ways; pre-Ascension, current Fallen timeline, or during her time as a Shard. This time, however, I drew her a fourth way. Post-Fallen timeline. Her story is over. She has suffered through over 3,000 years of life and finally arrived at her happy ending, whatever that might look like for her. Star may have been alive for almost 400 pages now, but she's only been around for about 17 or 18* Narrator years, making her about 30** in human terms. And, yes, Star has certainly been through unspeakable things, but it just doesn't compare to my precious Tamika Satrebil. And now, without further ado, I present my final Inktober drawing!


*I'm taking the 17 or 18 from Granite's age - I imagine him to be 15 or 16. 
**I got the 30 by adding TVG's original human age - 13 - to that number ;) I would not recommend calculating Narrator ages for reasons such as the following - Narrator Xino is just a little bit younger than Star - make him 28 or so - and Sophie is only about 16. Makes that crush a lot more awkward. Also consider the fact that Pheo came after Star's years with Marsh... making Pheo about 20.... There's issues here, my friends. I'd love to discuss it further though!!!

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