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Super-Charged Investiture

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Okay, so I was browsing Arcanum, and a WoB said this: 


Would a Duralumin Gnat Surgebinder be able to use duralumin to do a super Surge?

Brandon Sanderson

This (Duralumin+Surgebinding) would work.

This makes me wonder, can Duralumin super-charge other kinds of investiture? Maybe even Fabrials?

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43 minutes ago, Lord Furret said:

Okay, so I was browsing Arcanum, and a WoB said this: 


Would a Duralumin Gnat Surgebinder be able to use duralumin to do a super Surge?

Brandon Sanderson

This (Duralumin+Surgebinding) would work.

This makes me wonder, can Duralumin super-charge other kinds of investiture? Maybe even Fabrials?

It would need someone who could burn it, which fabrials don't do. So probably not in that way.

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Personally I'm curious to see what Duralumin+Illumination could do to the laser beams you could make with said surge. I'm imagining you could get super-narrow wavelengths, like way past the minimum threshold of what qualifies as gamma rays IRL, but in one sudden burst as Duralumin tends to make things behave. Gamma-Pulse cannon, but without the cannon part. :D

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I think he meant that the teleportation myth start as being a super charged gravity surge to move so fast it seemed instant. I doubt thats the case. The oathgates prove its possible with the magic system but no idea if radiants can do it alone. The myth might just be them being able to teleport to a city then move to the danger area.

Edited by garlick
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