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I might have figured out why location matters in the Spiritual Realm!


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Here is my theory: areas develop their own spiritwebs! 

Explanation: when there is life on a planet, people form Connections to each other across the planet, forming a “web” in the Spiritual Realm. Each planet would have its own “Spiritual web,”(or Spiritweb) which would be somewhat isolated from other planets, and even more isolated from other Systems. This also probably applies to countries (and maybe even more localized areas such as towns and cities) in the Cosmere, but to a lesser extent; as there is a lot more travel across a planet. However, because the majority of people living in an area don’t travel outside of the area, the area would probably have its own somewhat distinct “Spirit web.”


This can probably explain why entities like spren are unable to leave their system, why Investiture is Localized, almost by country, and why each planet has an influence upon the magic, as Brandon has stated,(can’t find the WoB right now, though.) why planets have different looking Cognitive Realms, and probably a couple other things, too.

Feel free to poke holes in this theory. Maybe we could poke enough holes in it that it would look like a “web!” :lol:

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I'm sorry, but Brandon never says that location is important in the Spiritual Realm. Actually, he says the opposite numerous times. The Spiritual Realm is time and location independent, so you can travel instantly between any two points (assuming you manage to "travel" around there in the first place). Spren are largely Cognitive and Physical creatures, so they're tied to where the majority of the power they stem from is concentrated and where the...consciousness? of the Shard they're tied to is Invested. The Shard Invests in the planet, the spren are tied to that location and the Investiture in that location.

I do agree that planets, at least, have their own spiritweb. I'm not so sure about countries and cities.

Investiture is only localized on Sel, and that's because the Shardic power is shoved into the Cognitive Realm instead of the Spiritual Realm. So where you're born and Connected to makes a difference in how you use investiture.

On Scadrial, as long as you have the right genes, you can be from or live on any area of the planet and be born an Allomancer or Feruchemist. On Roshar, anyone who can attract the right type of spren can become any type of surgebinder.



Does investiture have a consistent form (regardless of magic system and its Physical form) in one of the other realms?

Brandon Sanderson

It's consistent in the Spiritual Realm. Location isn't particularly important there.

/r/books AMA 2015 (March 12, 2015)


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Well, I was talking about those times that I remember hearing on Shardcast when someone (I think it was @Chaos?) said something like “location doesn’t matter in the Spiritual Realm, unless it does.” 

And this might explain the “unless it does.”

On 7/9/2019 at 10:51 PM, RShara said:




Does investiture have a consistent form (regardless of magic system and its Physical form) in one of the other realms?

Brandon Sanderson

It's consistent in the Spiritual Realm. Location isn't particularly important there.

/r/books AMA 2015 (March 12, 2015)


Also, not particularly important. Still some. Probably. Maybe.


Edited by Ethan_Sedai
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7 hours ago, Calderis said:

Location exist in the Spiritual Realm as information. You can be connected to that place... But "place" is purely informational. There is no distance to have "places" reflected. Only information. 

Makes sense. 


On 7/10/2019 at 9:16 AM, Ethan_Sedai said:

Well, I was talking about those times that I remember hearing on Shardcast when someone (I think it was @Chaos?) said something like “location doesn’t matter in the Spiritual Realm, unless it does.” 

And this might explain the “unless it does.”

Also, not particularly important. Still some. Probably. Maybe.



He is more definitive in this WoB. 




In the cosmere we've seen Investiture manifest in different ways all across the systems. So I was wondering, when it comes to the powers of Dalinar, is it possible for that power to open a Perpendicularity anywhere, say on Scadrial or any different planet? In a different way, where you could potentially combine all the Realms, open the doors for the Realms.

Brandon Sanderson

Let me say this very carefully. I'm being recorded now... Any time where you gather the right amount of Investiture in the right way, you are going to have kind of a version of a cosmere singularity, right? Which is where you are pulling the different Realms together into a kind of-- you are piercing between them with a large amount of Investiture. So what's happening with Dalinar is both the bug and the feature at the same time. But it is not necessarily the only way. And once things are kind of, once the Spiritual Realm is being involved, time and space don't mean anything anymore on the Spiritual Realm. That's your answer.

Emerald City Comic Con 2018 (March 1, 2018)


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The Physical and Cognitive Realms are their geometries, so to say; the Spiritual Realm is only symbolized by geometrical relations?

EDIT: Or, to put it mystically, the P/C Rs are symbols of the SR :P

Edited by Ripheus23
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