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How many people have you converted to reading Sanderson?

I got my brother to start, my mother, my robotics team coach, my friend, my other friend.

Only my neighbor actually got on the forums and became nerdized, but I have hopes for the others.

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Well, I got @I Don't Know @The Cartographer @Harmonium Misting  @Little Bear Plus my a ton of my friends. Zoe read Steelheart, Grace tried WoK, Eliana read Mistborn, Bella read Warbreaker. Diego read Mistborn. I read aloud a bunch of chapters for my friend Lauren. THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW THE MAJESTY OF SANDERSON!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/24/2019 at 9:22 AM, Mushroom Catalog said:

How many people have you converted to reading Sanderson?

I got my brother to start, my mother, my robotics team coach, my friend, my other friend.

Only my neighbor actually got on the forums and became nerdized, but I have hopes for the others.

25 people reading Sanderson

9 on the forums

beat that

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