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Laws of Thermodynamics


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So, I’m a HS senior, just had my first taste of thermodynamics, was wondering if investiture relied on similar properties? I’ve got this gut sense that investiture tends to move towards the physical because that’s where the least investiture is, and that it requires energy to move investiture in the other direction. For a little clarification I’m saying investiture moves from spiritual to cognitive to physical in a spontaneous sense, and it must be induced through means of work to move from physical to cognitive to spiritual. Am I completely off-base here or is there something I’m missing?

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@Invocation He'll share it eventually, but it would apparently give us too much information he doesn't want us having if he were to do it right now.



You once said that Investiture follows its own version of the laws of thermodynamics. The first one is that Investiture is neither created nor destroyed.

Is the second law of Investodynamics that the amount of corrupted Investiture in the Cosmere cannot decrease?

Brandon Sanderson

Basically, the idea is that there is a third item in the equations--matter, energy, and investiture. That's the basis of how they work.

Entropy is not corrupted Investiture. The second law stands as is. However, there is a fourth law that relates to Adonalsium, which I'm not going to talk about at the moment.

/r/books AMA 2015 (July 14, 2015)

There's some other discussion of Investiture Thermodynamics where Brandon mentions that Allomantic FTL has some connection to where lost energy in certain allomantic reactions goes and that this includes the deflection of things entering or exiting bendalloy/cadmium bubbles.

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