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Same Quote Different Question

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So the title is a little mislead, but I thought we could do a thing where we take a Cosmere quote and modify it for humor's sake.

So "What's the most important step a man can take?" becomes "What's the most important soufflé a man can make?" or "What's the most important pie/cake/bread/pastry a man can bake?" or "What's the most important egg a man can break?" 

But the answer is always "The next one."


What other quotes can you do this to?

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"What's the most important soul a man can fake?" - Shai

"What's the most important oathgate that's on stake?" - Dalinar

"What's the most important line after this quake?" - Raoden

"Who's the most magnificent bastard in this lake?" - Kelsier

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Evaryone is doing the Dalinar line, so I'm breaking the pattern.


He saw her normally in one world, and outlined in blue in another. The traveler reached out and took the woman by the shoulder, kneeled down, and whispered a single word. "Surprise"


"Untie them!"


Nightblood when someone asks what kind of dog he has "BORZOI BEAGLE!"


Galadon, probably.

"We're already dead. YOLO?"

"I don't like either option, so I just try to keep my self in one piece. YOLO?"

"Sule, you're dead. YOLO?"

"Not a good idea. YOLO?"

"Yesterdays classics have become tomorrow's lunch. YOLO?"

this list goes on...


She took out one of her Essence Marks as she walked. She inked it with bold strikes and returned the box of seals to her skirt pocket. Then, she slammed the seal against her right bicep and locked it into place, rewriting her history, her memories, her life experience.

In that fraction of a moment, she remembered both histories. She remembered two years spent locked away, planning, creating the Essence Mark. She remembered a lifetime of being a Forger.

At the same time, she remembered spending the last three thousand years trapped outside the pattern. Imprisoned there by her eternal enemy, the one called Dragon.

Two places at once, two timelines at once.

Then the former faded and she became Shai'tan, the name the fools who followed her enemy had given her. Her body became nothing because she no longer needed it. She slipped from the physical world and entered the place beyond, where she waited for her Chosen to free her.


OK that last one wasn't a quote, but it was fun so I'm not sorry.

Edited by SwordNimiForPresident
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