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Possible fighting style for pushers

High prince of geeks

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IT wouldn't be a continuous push, just a quick one, like half a second, to get the extra momentum. And as for shooting the coins at them, every one would expect that, but how would you react if you were preparing to fight a coinshot and suddenly they punched you way harder then you thought possible.

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Given the centre of mass restrictions, there are only a few punches you could use. Notably, you could use a devastating uppercut. Also notably, you might chew up your hand when you push the metal against it. You'd need special gear to protect yourself from self harm, and lots of training for your hand, arm, and shoulder as they would get wrenched pretty badly.

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As Tempus noted, the danger in that instance would be to your own flesh. The bones in your fingers are fairly fragile things and punching with "enhanced strength" without enhanced durability (such as pewter would give) would... well, in the immortal words of Bane, "That would be extremely painful... for you."


Holding a small iron cylinder in your hand might protect you from cutting your own fingers with the push, but by "pushing" on the metal, your punch is actually being pulled along by an external force. Importantly, this means that your weight is no longer behind it and your punch won't carry a good follow-through. The shock would just get absorbed into your arm when it lands, and you might even be pulled off-balance. 

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So you wear a vest, on this vest is a bunch of small metal balls (strong and light... Anyone know of something like that other than aluminum) hanging on very durable, and again light, chains. Coiled up (or retractable?) and then in close quarters, not only do you start throwing punches, but you also start pushing on these metal balls.

One problem though, you might get yourself tangled up. And if your fighting a lurcher or another coin shot, you'd be tossed around like a puppet.

My personal preference, if I was a coinshot, would be to carry around very small ball bearings, instead of coins.

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The best thing to do would be to throw a grenado with a lot of metal shrapnel in any room you're about to fight in, then use the lodged metal to manuver.


The grenade MAY rule out the need to fight with Allomantic pushes in the room.  Then again, you could push the grenade into the room from a distance.  Best of both worlds!

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No, he'd be fine. The metal all pierces his skin or is inside his body, remember? He's basically gold compounding + Allomantic tin and Allomantic pewter all the time. Of course, a boosted Inquisitor would have a field day.

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Full born BAMF would pull the skeleton right out of his body!

If someone were actually able to do that. Would he then regrow a new skeleton? One without the Adamantium? Or would he die?

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I've actually given some thought to how a Coinshot could fight seeing as how I'm currently playing as a Coinshot Sword Master at the Steelministry MAG. When fighting against anyone but a MB, SpikeHead or another Coinshot; a steel sword would be awesome. For example: One could Push his sword in to an opponents chest, run up yank it out or Push them off of the blade and keep going or if s/he gets surrounded by idiots wearing metal one could push in a bubble and make room to fight. The fighting style of a CS Sword Master could be absolutely beautiful to watch and terrible to get caught in.  

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This would still run into all the above mentioned issues, but to somewhat mitigate the damage, if you had a metal bracer that covered your forearm to an extent, so the force of locomotion would not be focused solely on your hand potentially shredding it, but in fact more evenly distributed and attached to a mechanism (i.e. the muscle and skeletal structure of your forearm) that is slightly more durable to withstand the strain. Your hand would still need some shielding due to the increased strength of your impact, and you would probably pull your shoulder as result but it MIGHT help a bit. This would be a much better idea for a mistborn, who had pewter to handle the negative repercussions. Then again if you were burning pewter, you wouldn't exactly need the help to begin with. 

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