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Alley Purification

Lord Meeker

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Sebastian smiled. "Good. If you do as I say. Killing the people I want dead. He'll be kept alive and in good condition. Fed clothes and untouched. You already know the agreement l, should I die you will never see you kid again. Though I should mention that dear old grandma s dead."

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"I'll kill you. One day I'll kill you."
she told him coldly and then turned away, so that he couldn't see her face, the desperation, the sorrow. She'd loved her grandma. But it wasn't like she had a choice. As long as he had her child, she would do what he wanted her to do.

Edited by Sorana
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Awareness. Again. At last. He struggled. What had he learned last time? A world. Blood. Death... he forced himself out of the fantasies. What else? He... he had a body. Could he control it? He tried to move. All of his willpower, but it was like throwing himself against a chasmfiend without a shardblade. Ah, killing. Killing, killing, ki- Maybe, just one part. HE strained, trying to twitch a finger, a single finger. Nothing. It was like someone had cut some connection between his brain and his body. It didn't work. Warmth. There had been something warm. What was it? What could it have been? He was somewhere. He had to be. And then... the haze. It consumed him, battle. A slaughter. He killed a woman's husband in front of her... he tried to pull out, but he couldn't. But in that last moment... one eye slid open. There was no eye. Just flame.

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The hollow suit of armor pulled out a notebook and scribbled down Sebastion's words in it.

'Always... Do... Sow... Chaos," the suit mumbled. "Got it,"

The suit tucked the notebook back into a metal pocket. The suit saw that Sebastion had walked out of earshot, so the hollow suit casually sidestepped a couple times to catch the rest of Sebastian's words.

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