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Unmade/Heralds and their after life


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2 separate thoughts here:

Is there any correlation to where the Heralds are and where the unmade operate? I mean we know there were 3 in Kholinar and at least 1 herald was there. I wonder if an unmade was influencing the men Jasnah killed in Kharbranth and we know a herald(s) was there as well.

This desolation was different than previous ones in that 9 Heralds didn't go to Damnation. But what are people thinking as far as the torture the Heralds went through? Part of me wonders if they still stayed on Roshar but were forced to live through average people's lives where they suffered from the abuses of man itself not Odium. And perhaps they lived from the abuser's POV which broke them. I.e. if Kaladin was a herald, he lived the life of Sadeas/Amaram/Lamaril. As cognitive shadows I'm curious what's possible for them. I don't know, I feel like I haven't heard too many theories besides just "well Odium tortured them".


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I think that it is incredibly unlikely that the men Jasnah killed were controlled by an Unmade. Criminals who murder, steal and or rape people exists in real life, and on Roshar as well. 

That said, the idea about Unmade and Herald locations being the same is interesting, and something I havent seen before, so upvote for original idea. Sadly, I think there is evidence to the contrary. First off, there is no Herald in Urithiru as far as we know. Second, some Heralds, lie Nale or Ash are moving about a lot, while Unmade give the impression of staying on the same spot for a long time. 

I like the idea, but I dont think it is terribly likely :-)

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