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Herald origins


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When Shallash swears by Adonalsium in a moment of absolute shock (when she's most likely to revert to her original patterns) I thought it meant that all the Heralds were from outside Roshar, but I'm not so sure now. When Nale realizes that the desolation did indeed come he swears by the Almighty and not Adonalsium like Ash does. This leads me to believe that the Heralds aren't all from the same planet, while some of them may be from Yolen others could be Rosharans or Asynians.

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I think swearing by Adonalsium indicated a certain level of Cosmere awareness, if not actual world hopping, and I'd expect no less from beings as old and powerful as the Heralds.  Hoid named-dropped Adonalsium with it to test him for similar secret knowledge.

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7 hours ago, Timothy said:

When Shallash swears by Adonalsium in a moment of absolute shock (when she's most likely to revert to her original patterns) I thought it meant that all the Heralds were from outside Roshar, but I'm not so sure now. When Nale realizes that the desolation did indeed come he swears by the Almighty and not Adonalsium like Ash does. This leads me to believe that the Heralds aren't all from the same planet, while some of them may be from Yolen others could be Rosharans or Asynians.

Shallash has the abilities of a lightweaver, which means that compared to some like her dad, Jezrien, she is much closer to the Cognitive realm that you average Herald. Nale ont eh other hand is not terribly close to the Cognitive realm because his surges have greater usage in the Physical realm.

7 hours ago, Quantus said:

I think swearing by Adonalsium indicated a certain level of Cosmere awareness, if not actual world hopping, and I'd expect no less from beings as old and powerful as the Heralds.  Hoid named-dropped Adonalsium with it to test him for similar secret knowledge.

It is very possible that the Heralds had a few early world hoppers in their ranks, most likely Shallash, the elsecaller lady, and the willshaper guy.

3 hours ago, Naurock said:

I think the Heralds going to Honor to create the Oathpact and bind the Fused that Honor laid out what exactly they're up against. That the Fused are constructs of a Divine being that is pure Hatred.

For those Heralds that did not have any Cognitive experience, it is likely that Honor gave a metaphorical PowerPoint explaining where he and Rayse came from and just how powerful they each where.

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