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Honorbalde Names


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I was wondering if the Heralds ever named their blades. All the Shardblades seem to have a name so why not the Honorblades.

Nalan's sword is mentioned as the sword of retribution in Wok. But that might just be the religion linking it to the divine attributes of the Herald associated with it. So was Jezrein's sword called the blade of protection?

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Shardblades have names because the spren whose Physical forms they are have names. They continue to have names in the present time because they're storming amazing weapons and should have names so everyone knows why your storming amazing weapon is so special. Kind of like Baligant in the Song of Roland who wanted a sword as special as Charlemagne's Joyeuse, so he named his to match. Makes it easier for people to remember the stories when they can say 'I want to know the history of Oathbringer' and not have to say 'I want to know the history of the sword that looks like it has a fishhook at the end, you know, that one'. :P We know that before learning the truth Adolin at least believed (more or less correctly) that the Knights Radiant of old had names for their blades and that's why he doesn't give Mayalaran a name. So the trend in naming Shardblades may also be linked to e memory/belief that the swords originally had names, even if nobody remembers them.

Anyhow, point being is that Shardblades are named for the spren. Honorblades aren't spren so they don't inherently have names that we know of and we don't have any evidence yet one way or another whether any of the Heralds gave their Honorblades names.

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@WeltallEh, I think the spren-named blades are only the living blades. In this case Kaladin calls it his Syl-blade which isn't even naming the sword. I'm pretty sure Oathbringer is not a spren's name but the name some historic king or muggle knight gave for the sword, presumably the Sunmaker himself.

As for the Honorblades, I'm guessing they don't have names because they seem to be absent from the story. Religion and storytellers would certainly have recorded names if they were ever used. Perhaps their sacredness, lack of sentient nature, and being owned/used by one owner caused them to be purely associated with their perspective Heralds.

They could certainly have pretty cool names so just fire up your head-canon and take a stab at it(pun intended).

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9 hours ago, Calderis said:

I think you miss Weltalls... Point. 

Oathbringer definitely wasn't the spren name. But know the blades were named, encourages people to name them. And blades with histories then become easier to track. 

Oh, the Punnage!

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