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NaNoWriMo 2018


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It's almost that time again! It's that special time when writers across the globe come together to feel inadequate compared to Brandon Sanderson. Can you write in a month what Brandon writes in an afternoon? (I'm exaggerating, but not a lot. The goal is 50,000 words in the month of November, which Brandon has been known to exceed in the first two weeks.) 

Is anyone else going for it this year? Here's a thread to discuss preparation, offer encouragement, and share your daily progress (when November starts).

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I hope everything goes well for those participating. I don't NaNo, but the idea of setting a goal to write a certain amount in a single month or over the course of a few days is a valuable one, and one that doesn't just need to happen in November ;-) I hope everyone has a great time! Remember, you can always make the writing more polished later - write and fill a page.

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I'll be nano-ing again this year!  My name there is the same as here, Kaellok.  i was planning on being a rebel this year and working on my Communism vs. Cthulu cooperative dice assignment board game, but a sudden inspiration hit me and I'll be working on an actual story instead.

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Awesome, it’s not just me. I can’t be bothered to join NaNoWriMo.org, but I’m committed to the challenge!

Right now I’m trying to decide between a couple different story ideas, and struggling to outline both of them. I was hoping to be in a more secure outlining position this late in October, but I’ve still got more than a week before the writing starts. I think I’ll figure something out in time.

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I'm a sucker for fake internet points so I like the badges and tracking system built in to NaNoWriMo.org haha

If it makes you feel better, I just landed on my story idea yesterday so I haven't outlined anything at all yet. Usually I forgot about NaNoWriMo until November actually starts so the fact I remembered with over a week to spare makes me feel like I'm super ahead. 

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I'll be doing Nano this year as well!  I'm not sure if I'll get the allotted words, but the goal is to finish a novel I'm already halfway done with.  If the word count ends up being lower than 50,000, so be it!  I just need to be done with this project so I can move on with my creative life. ;)  It's cool to see some of you guys will be diving in too!  

What sort of genres do y'all write?

Edited by Mistbornwithakitty
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I tend to dabble in sci-fi and fantasy for short stories but my novel projects have been detective stores. For NaNo this year I’m going to try a hard boiled detective in a fantasy setting and see how that goes. My pitch is basically what if Robert B Parker wrote Wheel of Time 

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This will be my first time attempt at NaNo. I am currently working on several different projects, and haven't decided which one to focus on. Maybe you guys can help me decide. I'm at about the same level of writer's block for each of them, so which would you be most interested in reading?

(No name yet) - A fantasy spy novel based in modern US. The fantasy comes into play because there are elves, dwarves, fae, etc. and it's part of normal society. My main character works for a federal agency and ends up in middle of a plot of gun-running and human trafficking, discovering someone in his own agency is involved. (Current word count: 7495)

Amethysts and Emeralds - A fantasy book with a magic system based on gemstones. Certain stones grant certain abilities. The villain is trying to manipulate the main character into joining him on his quest to raise the dead. In the process, he killed her family and now she wants revenge. (Current word count: 7762)

(No name yet 2) - A modern time-travel YA story. A young college student finds herself sucked back in time to the late 1800s. Her way back (an old journal) is stolen, so she has to rescue a young sailor and get back the book before time runs out. (Current word count: 15730)

Deja Vu - A modern YA story about a girl with premonitions. Each time she changes something from her premonition, it changes the future. This eventually leads to a spiraling mess of disaster. If you can't tell, I haven't really gotten the details of this one out yet, just the basic premise. (Current word count: 1055)

Edited by Elandera
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Standard epic fantasy for me.

@Elandera, Amethysts and Emeralds sounds most interesting to me, but I have an irrational bias against stories set in the real world. In my NaNo experience (3 years failed, 1 succeeded), I think it's best to go with the story you're most excited about. In the middle/later parts of the month, when you start to feel burned out, genuine excitement gives you the strength to push through.

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I managed on these boards a few years back, but am going through some medical stuff right now and will be bowing out. But I might be able to muster the energy for a story or two.

My wife, on the other hand, is doing a double Nano. And she hit 30,000 words today.

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Oh Lord.  That's......that's so many words. You all have my respect and admiration.

I wandered over to fanfiction.net to peek at old stuff I'd written.  The longest was 40k words and had taken like 2 years of sporadic updates. *shakes head and tips hat to folks*

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