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How Hoid gets his powers... (Spoilers)


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So I was reading the topics compiling the WoBs and I read that BranSan mentioned how important Hemalurgy was in the cosmere. He also said that it wont be exclusive to Mistborn and that investiture can be mixed and matched (I.E Breath and Stormlight)

This got me wondering about how Hoid got all of his different powers. Could it be possible that Hoid is gaining his abilities through Hemalurgy? Obviously it's not a very pleasant thought, given that we all love Hoid and would like to think of him as a pretty upstanding fellow.. But perhaps this is why the 17th Shard is hunting him? Because he's been known to use such a dark method to reach his goals?
We know from what he's said that he doesn't think of himself as any sort of hero and that he definitely has his own agenda.

Thoughts? :)

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We know Hoid has a form of lightweaving (from Yolen, not the KR type, but similar), he has at least some forms of feruchemy, and he has/had a bead of larasium at some point which he could have used to make himself a mistborn. It's also likely he's picked up some breaths but not sure if there have been any hints at that.

I'm not sure if it's been explained how he got his feruchemical abilities but I doubt he uses hemalurgy. Not because it's a nefarious method but because Brandon has stated that Hoid, due to things in his past, is incapable of harming someone else directly. If he uses spikes, they would have to be ones someone else added the charge to.

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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We know he was on Scadrial pre-Lord Ruler, as there is a word of Brandon involving Hoid with the Terris Worldbringer religion. It is presumed he got feruchemy at that point somehow, as he uses feruchemy to decide where to be (via another WoB). He also does have second heightening or higher.


That said, Hemalurgy is indeed unlikely. He seems incapable of directly harming people (indirectly is fine, though), and he evidences no metal spikes (and he would need a lot to account for all his extra powers).

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Possible. Hoid doesn't have to harm a person by choice to gain a Haemalergic spike from a third party (at least in the first instance). 


Marsh didn't chose it. He chose to infiltrate the Ministry but he neither chose to become an inquisitor, nor organised the first eight (was it?) mistings/mistborn whose powers he gained.


Also, I haven't read the Liar of Partinel (which I believe contains at least some of Hoid's backstory?) so based on my (admitedly) limited knowledge he may have ran around hurting people prior to practicing that form of pacifism (which could have included spiking?) Maybe that guilt is what drove him to it?

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Also, I haven't read the Liar of Partinel (which I believe contains at least some of Hoid's backstory?) so based on my (admitedly) limited knowledge he may have ran around hurting people prior to practicing that form of pacifism (which could have included spiking?) Maybe that guilt is what drove him to it?

Liar occurs before the shattering of adonalsium so hemalurgy, as it's known on scadrial, wouldn't have existed yet. It's possible Adonalsium had a form of Investiture similar to hemalurgy but based on what I've read in Liar so far, I don't think Hoid was running around killing people to steel their powers.
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Maybe being Yolish, since they are supposed to be the first humans (as I understand, please correct me if I'm wrong) the potential for every magic system could be in his sDNA. So maybe he just needs to be exposed to the power long enough to awaken it.

We know Feruchemy was around long before the FE. Maybe that power was not necessarily from Ruin/Preservation, but a similar enough ability exists on Yolen, and our Scadrial shards just imitates this power.

BS did say it just requires some hacking to use different powers. Maybe it's just that much easier for the Yolish humans.

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Liar occurs before the shattering of adonalsium so hemalurgy, as it's known on scadrial, wouldn't have existed yet. It's possible Adonalsium had a form of Investiture similar to hemalurgy but based on what I've read in Liar so far, I don't think Hoid was running around killing people to steel their powers.

That was either a typo or the best unseen pun ever. Upvoted.

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I think Hoid acquires his powers naturally. He already had Lightweaving, he scored a bead of lerasium on Scadrial, and he probably bought Breath on Nalthis (or someone just gave it to him).

The feruchemy is a real mystery, but if he was on Scadrial ages before Mistborn, maybe Preservation and Ruin just gave it to him. He seems to have liked Ati. Evil god or no, maybe Ruin was like, "Yo, Leras! Let's hook my homeboy Hoid up with some metalminds." Yes, that's how Ruin used to talk.

Speaking of which, where are his metalminds? I bet they're implanted in him. I really suspect he did that with the lerasium. I know he seems to be using allomancy in WoR, but Sanderson has strongly implied that he didn't burn his bead and been evasive about what a lerasium metalmind would do.

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"Yo, Leras! Let's hook my homeboy Hoid up with some metalminds." Yes, that's how Ruin used to talk.


As for the Feruchemcy, yeah he probably has his metal minds in his body like The Lord Ruler had.

I just am so suspicious of Hoid. It would be kind of cool if he turned out to be a villain.

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We know that you can allow Lerasium with Atium to gain Feruchemy, but he also has allomancy. Has it ever been said That you can't split a Lerasium Bead? He could have burned half of it, then alloyed it with Atium to get Feruchemy.


We don't know that, actually. It's just a popular theory here.

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Huh, I are you sure? I thought we had a WoB that it was correct, let me check. Hm... the closest I can find is

Q:  Has Hoid used his Lerasium Bead for Feruchemy?

A:  Hoid got the bead originally because he wanted to become an Allomancer.


So, How did he get Feruchemy?


And how do you quote something from another thread?   EDIT: Thank you Awesomness Summoned.

Edited by The Only Joe
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And how do you quote something from another thread?

I'm assuming you mean quoting and keeping the user/date/time tags as opposed to just using the regular quote tags? Just click the quote button then copy and paste it all into the correct thread you want to quote it in. 

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Hoid predates the shattering of Adonalsium.

So couldn't Adonalsium have invested in Yolen like the separate Shards do on sel, Scad, Roshar? making it possible for Hoid to awaken the right DNA and gain the abilities of separate Shards since their all just pieces and traits of the original God?

Edit** sorry for the crappy phrasing im getting ready for work and im late haha

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