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"boohoohoo, I have an awesome spren who is totally awesome and stuff but I'm a big whiny butt" -Kaladin


btw just finished WoR and it should be called WoA Words of Awesome.

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I don't know I think that there are books that I would gladly through NB at. (Looking at twilight) 

I second you, Caleb. In fact, watch the anime Hellsing, and imagine every character that dies is either Edward or Bella. This time, when vampires die, they don't turn into sparkles.



Hunger Games was alright, but the next two were bad. She should have changed perspectives instead of making Katniss whinier than Kaladin. 

That's possible!?

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As much as I love a good book bashing,  I am afraid I am unfit to join this one. I have neither read the books nor watched the movies, and am thus woefully incapable of joining in the criticism with a clear conscience.


Carry on, comrades. Carry on.

Having seen the movies (Rifftraxed, of course– no way I'd watch it on its own), believe me: you can't do anything worse to it than it did to itself already. Your conscience will be clean no matter what you say.
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I'm gonna argue that the first Hunger Games I really enjoyed back when I first read it. The others went downhill, and I've read much better books since then, but I've most definitely read worse. Actually, I think the REALLY bad ones we forget, whereas the semi-ok ones with potential that just mess up is what really makes us storming mad. Because, come on, if they're really popular they must be doing *something* right.

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I was fine with it until it became the go-to book for hormone-overdosed teens. I did like the ending though. So grim and lacking of joy.

And what specifically is wrong with hormone-overdosed teens? If The Way of Kings became the most popular young adult novel in the world,would you grow to despise it?

Honestly, I don't care whether "hormone-overdosed" teens like a book or not. Books aren't spren; their attributes are independent of how they are perceived. If a book just happens to entice readers of a certain age bracket, why should we care?

Sorry, that's just a pet peeve of mine. Sorry for getting off-topic.

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And what specifically is wrong with hormone-overdosed teens? If The Way of Kings became the most popular young adult novel in the world,would you grow to despise it?

Honestly, I don't care whether "hormone-overdosed" teens like a book or not. Books aren't spren; their attributes are independent of how they are perceived. If a book just happens to entice readers of a certain age bracket, why should we care?

Sorry, that's just a pet peeve of mine. Sorry for getting off-topic.


You sound rather peeved. Calm down.


Anyway, it's not just that it became the go-to book for hormone-overdosed teens; I probably should have elaborated. It's that it could have done things so much better - instead of focusing on the horrors of war, for example (something I feel even younger readers should be exposed to, but I digress) the main plot got sidetracked by the romance subplot, which is not good, to say the least.


And Katniss is a bland character. Perhaps not Bella-bland, but bland regardless. The entire trilogy has her being pushed around, forced to do as others require of her. This doesn't just apply to Snow and those in positions of power - even in her own love life, she's never actually given the choice to choose. Essentially, she just got stuck with Peeta and then went 'meh, I'll take him I suppose', when she could just have said 'I don't like you that way'. The epilogue shows this pretty well (I thought it was one of the few good parts in the book), how she's resigned to a life with a man she doesn't quite love. One can make the argument that not all characters can be strong, but in this case it just feels like bad character development to me. 


In essence, no, the hormone-overdosed teens aren't my main reason for disliking it; it's just that they are symptomatic of the actual problem - that the Hunger Games is at its core, a poorly-written romance novel trying to masquerade as a more action-oriented one, which is my pet peeve. Why not just be straightforward and make it the main plot?! Twilight was honest in that regard anyway!

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I don't want to see more hateful language about teenagers anytime soon. If anyone feels excluded about this, please speak up about it. Or PM me or someone you know, and we'll speak up about it for you.

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I don't want to see more hateful language about teenagers anytime soon. If anyone feels excluded about this, please speak up about it. Or PM me or someone you know, and we'll speak up about it for you.


I think you might be taking it a little too seriously. I never said all teenagers were like that, just that I don't exactly have a fond liking of those that are. I'm not being hateful - I'm just pointing out why I don't like the Hunger Games, and this was relevant to the explanation. I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to spin-doctor it into some kind of teen-hating rant.


Storms, I'm not that old in the first place. What makes you think I'm not a teenager myself, or someone who's just gone through that stage?

Edited by Ketek
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STORMS PEOPLE! HOW ABOUT THAT EPILOGUE IN WoR HUH???? Anybody? Yeah? No? Change subject and go back to being friends before we devolve into voidspren or worse.... Iternetspren... I'm storming tired of talking about Hunger Games or Twilight, these are books that were clearly not targeted at most of us but there are people who like reading them, not me but some people. Ketek I know what you are getting at and I agree with you but I think the best plan of action for ALL OF US. is to change topic quickly.

Tl;dr change topic right meow... Please.

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An UNCOMFORTABLE TOPIC appears? What will you do?

BreathTaker selects RUN.

Can't get away![


Select ABRA

I choose you, ABRA!





Select BAG




Safely gotten away!




Select BAG



The TOPIC has bee derailed!

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Storm it Swimingly, time to bring out my lvl. 100 OPINION.

I honestly dislike the bastardization of Vamps and Lycans in Twilight, haven't read it but have seen enough publicity to not be interested. The crowd that books like Twilight are aimed at are clearly not the mid-twenties, wrench turning, Booz drinking, cigarette smoking, metal head nerds (please tell me that's an actual crowd and I'm not alone) It's aimed at young women who like romance and drama and shiny sparkly things, these young ladies (and occasionally men) are just as big of fanatics to their genre as we are to ours.

As for The Hunger Games, I haven't read those either but I enjoyed the movies to an extent and I find little fault in them. They have a similar fan base as aforementioned Twilight but with a smidge more action. These are YA books to be taken at face value, people like them, people don't. What can we do about it? Nada. Love them or hate them they are still better than sitting in front of a tv and drooling all day.

...Twilight still sucks IMO though.

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Honestly I think the problem is when people start disrespecting a fan base because they see no value in what they're a fan of - hence the whole "anti-teenage" thing that happens in general because people don't like Twilight/Hunger Games etc. Different people like different things, and age doesn't make your taste, be it a love of sparkly vamps or glowing Knights Radiant or whatever, any less valid.

(Yes, I just compared vampires to Knights Radiant. I'm sure you can all deal with it :) )


.....17TH SHARD hurts itself in it's confusion!

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Honestly I think the problem is when people start disrespecting a fan base because they see no value in what they're a fan of - hence the whole "anti-teenage" thing that happens in general because people don't like Twilight/Hunger Games etc. Different people like different things, and age doesn't make your taste, be it a love of sparkly vamps or glowing Knights Radiant or whatever, any less valid.

(Yes, I just compared vampires to Knights Radiant. I'm sure you can all deal with it :) )


.....17TH SHARD hurts itself in it's confusion!


I should name my Pokemon after 17th Shard members.

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Oh a Gyarados is fine. So long as I'm not evolved from a magikarp. :)


Oooh, look at the original thread topic all the way in the distance over there! How did we get so far away? Is it an oasis? A dream? A fantasy? pun intended =)

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