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The Lopen???


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We've met Lopen's family, I'm reasonably certain that they aren't royal, but Lopen was temporarily. On the other hand he seems to be related to everyone Herdazian somehow, so there's a fair chance. 


https://coppermind.net/wiki/Lopen This contains most if not all of the information we have on Lopen at this point.

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On 9/29/2018 at 8:19 PM, Kal-Eldin said:

On the other hand he seems to be related to everyone Herdazian somehow, so there's a fair chance.

I'm not sure he's actually related to so many Herdazians. I always assumed his "cousins" were just other Herdazians, with Herdazians being very communal and watching out for each other.

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Lopen was technically King of Alethkar for a short time:


Brandon Sanderson

For instance, Lopen did become king of Alethkar. For a short time. Because he and his family hid King Elhokar and, at least in his perception, convinced the king to abdicate for a short time so they could not lie when they said "We don't have King Elhokar with us." This is canon, okay. And, so, Lopen became... In his mind, at least, they got the king to agree for a fifteen-minute "Lopen is king of Alethkar" abdication, so that they wouldn't have to lie (because it was very important to them), so they could get him out of danger when some people were looking for him. That story, some day I might write it, I don't know if I'll ever be able to. But when he says (I think he references that at some point in one of the later books) "I was king," he really was!



He is actually related to his "cousins," but very distantly.  



The Lopen's cousins? Is there any significance to them, or are they just--

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

No, they're just, like, his cousins and his distant cousins. He just is somebody who knows everyone and is related to half the Herdazians around. There's no secret, they just really are.


When they show up, ever time, I'm like, there's gotta be something with these guys.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

They're a tight-knit group, those Herdazians.

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