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Especulation: Adonalsium Field


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The Realmatic Theory gives us 3 Realms. Physical, Spiritual and Cognitive.

Shadesmar is said to be the Cognitive Realm and a waystation to other worlds.


But, is this realms a part of the Universe Itself or they exist because of the presence of Aldonalsium or the 16 shards?


My speculation is that the 16 shards create a reality field that is responsible for all the magic systems as it is responsible for the existence of all 3 realms.


So... what´s the implication of this?


First: Cosmere is a Sandbox World and you can worldhop outside Cosmere, since Shadesmar does not exist outside the Shardic Field (Felt myself like Spock here B)). 
Second: As Odium splinters the other shards, this Shardic Field weakens. The local effects much more strongly felt than the overall effect. That would explain why Sel´s shadesmar is so dangerous for there is not enough power on the Shardic Field to stabilize it. But as the theory goes, the field on all other shardworlds have weakened.

Third: As the Shardic Field weakens, so the magic systems will do so. All Cosmere tales show some kind of wax and wane on magic.


This is pure speculation.

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This seems fair. The cosmere is in a small dwarf galaxy, and we don't know what lies beyond it. It would be very interesting if the cosmere effects of Adonalsium and realmatics were confined to that dwarf galaxy due to his presence.

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The problem here being that Investure is almost always tied to a physical object, but never actually inside the physical realm. How were two realms created by so much Shardic power when the only real place such power can even exist in the first place is within one of those realms?

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As per WoB, Investiture has presence in all three Realms, but is really more transcending all three.


EDIT: Found it:

Q: What is the realmatic composition of Investiture?

A: Investure is intended to be the building blocks of the Cosmere so I would say for the most part it transcends the different realms. Probably more of the spiritual if anything but more accurately it transcends them.
Edited by Aether
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I guess I'm just left wondering how such a huge realmatic upheaval could possibly occur. With what we know of Shards, they simply wouldn't be compatible with a nonrealmatic format, which would leave Adonalsium to create the realms itself, something I'm not sure a Shard can do. I guess I'm saying that I'm uncertain exactly how this would come about.

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True. Maybe Adonalsium established the realms first - or created them by the sheer force of it's existance.

When it shattered, the other shards kept the field up.

The more I think, the more sense it makes.

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