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Awakened Spike Hemalurgy


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First it would take thousands of breaths to awaken a metal object that in a shape of a spike .. atleast the 9th + heightning.. After that picking such a general command didnt seem to work so well with nightblood so I would assume "Steal Everything" wouldnt go so well since it is so broad and open to interpretation- (remmeber you need a clear understanding and vision in your mind of the command) Either way Brandon says mixing magic systems is very difficult if you are not adpet at it.. so i assume this process would be extremely difficult and end up not working out the way it was intended

Edited by Shardmancer
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I personally think that Hemalogy would be great for storing Breaths for later...or even stealing someone's Breath (and making them a drab) without their permission. Think about it, Breath is probably the most mobile form of innate Investiture, and it's quite easy to move (with commands). That means, I think, that it might be quite easy to rip this form of Investiture out of someone's sDNA without killing them. It could be a wonderful way to figure out how to use Hemalogy to take Investiture without killing the person...even if their personality is never quite the same again! So exciting.


Either this, or store Breath in a Spike made from a Feruchemist with the right attribute...or just be/become a ferring with Nicrosil. Metal-based Investiture can really do curious things, and even though Awakening a spike would be very difficult (given what spikes are) storing Breath in a spike should be quite easy...as long as you have the right kind of spike, of course. :)

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I doubt that there's enough room left in an Awakened sentient metal object to store the extra Investiture of Hemalurgy. On top of that, sentient Invested metals don't seem to follow all the physical laws we'd expect, I doubt that you'd even have a body to stab if you tried, although I might be wrong there. Third, the rule seems to be tearing off one part of the Spiritweb at a time, I doubt throwing other magic systems into the mix is going to break that. It seems to almost imply that where you stab someone when you kill them is as important as where you later place the spike to grant the abilities.

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First it would take thousands of breaths to awaken a metal object that in a shape of a spike .. atleast the 9th + heightning.. After that picking such a general command didnt seem to work so well with nightblood so I would assume "Steal Everything" wouldnt go so well since it is so broad and open to interpretation- (remmeber you need a clear understanding and vision in your mind of the command) Either way Brandon says mixing magic systems is very difficult if you are not adpet at it.. so i assume this process would be extremely difficult and end up not working out the way it was intended

Perhaps a more complicated command like "Take people's abilities and give them to me" would work better

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I doubt that there's enough room left in an Awakened sentient metal object to store the extra Investiture of Hemalurgy. On top of that, sentient Invested metals don't seem to follow all the physical laws we'd expect, I doubt that you'd even have a body to stab if you tried, although I might be wrong there. Third, the rule seems to be tearing off one part of the Spiritweb at a time, I doubt throwing other magic systems into the mix is going to break that. It seems to almost imply that where you stab someone when you kill them is as important as where you later place the spike to grant the abilities.

It seems like that since NightBlood can consume breaths he might be able to hold more investiture. And with the right command, I bet the spike wouldn't harm you. Where someone is stabbed is extremely important for what ability you get, but we've seen that awakened steel can do some pretty funky things, I bet it'd be able to just start ripping at someone's spirit web and take whatever it wants.

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Yes its true nightblodd has some cool albilites.. some we havnt even seen the begining of (nows that hes on Roshar).. But the problem is getting the comands right.. As Vasher a adept and skilled awakener.. who had years of practice and skill couldnt not suffieciently awaken steel properly.. I just think it will be very difficult task - the command phrase much be clearly visualized and understood- seems complex

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What would happen used a lot of breath to awaken, say an atium spike in the way used to awaken NightBlood with the command "Steal Everything"? Would the single spike be able to steal all of a persons steal-able attributes?


Isn't atium already able to steal any of a person's spiritual properties? What would the point be of giving the spike the Command?

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Isn't atium already able to steal any of a person's spiritual properties? What would the point be of giving the spike the Command?

An atium spike is able to steal any one ability. The idea is that maybe you could get around that with awakening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An atium spike is able to steal any one ability. The idea is that maybe you could get around that with awakening.

Ah. Thank you for correcting my misunderstanding. I would think that the amount of Breath needed to awaken the spike would make it extremely hard not to corrupt any sDNA stolen.

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Nightblood is described by word of brandon as being 'full' of investiture. In addition, reinvesting an invested object becomes more difficult the more investiture you are dealing with... This is why Szeth can't lash shardplate and why allomancers can't push metals embedded in a person.

So... If you made an awakened spike, not only would that probably 'fill' it up, but even if it didn't, hemalurgy is no where near strong enough to overcome the investiture barrier.

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