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What can a Copper Misting or Similar Aviar Block?


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So we know Copper Mistings can stop someone from sensing those around them with Bronze and also stop themselves from being influenced by emotional allomancy. Some Aviar do something similar. We also know Mraize has an Aviar on Roshar. I don’t know what type of Aviar he has, but could one stop you from being tricked by Illumination? Does Illumimation work on the mind or the eyes? 

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If we assume that a Smoker (and similar aviar) can block anything a Seeker can detect, then I think the most tangible effect on Roshar is that they might be able to block a Singer's access to the Rhythms.  It wouldnt block actual use of Surges and whatnot, though I wonder if it could interfere with a Nahel Bond at any point.  I suspect a powerful enough cloud could be able to prevent Singers from changing forms, on the login that it could hide them from the necessary new Spren. 

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20 minutes ago, Quantus said:

then I think the most tangible effect on Roshar is that they might be able to block a Singer's access to the Rhythms.

They can. 


Questioner (paraphrased)

Could a Soother prevent a listener from attuning a given rhythm?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

No. A coppercloud could, but I hadn't thought about emotional allomancy interacting. See, the rhythm isn't your emotion and doesn't determine your mood. It is a direct connection to the spiritual realm. So I guess soothing could make it harder just like it makes anything harder, in the same way that driving a car would be harder. [recording starts here] And so, for the same reasons that you can, um, it is possible that a coppercloud can play with it. Not a normal power of a coppercloud, but you’ve seen them do stuff similar.

Footnote: Question was cut off in recording, first bit reproduced from memory


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13 hours ago, Quantus said:

I suspect a powerful enough cloud could be able to prevent Singers from changing forms, on the login that it could hide them from the necessary new Spren. 

That would be pretty crazy if true. I like it. And I knew Seekers would be able to detect the rhythms. I forgot that the Surges are essentially manipulations of the laws of physics that govern Roshar. So it makes sense that it wouldn’t be blocked by a Smoker since it is a physical effect not a mental one. Thanks. 

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