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An eye for an eye


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Riathor shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't know it was a private space. If you'll excuse me I'll be going now,"

Riathor turned around and walked out the front door. He really appreciated it when people he didn't know helped him out.

Riathor exited the building, then dropped a coin.

He then shot upwards towards the second floor.


Keep in mind that my characters are subject you yalls wills

Also, what floor is the kondor on? I'm assuming it's on the second, because of the window hint


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Ground floor. On the back of the house. There should be a hole in the wall, Deras went through the wall instead of climbing through a window.

Yeah, but as long as you can, you can controll him on your own? And I don't mind to keep the pace slow so that everybody can contribute.

@Gancho Libre

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Just now, Sorana said:

Deras went through the wall instead of climbing through a window


that still looks really funny in my head XD just a guy trying to climb through and the wall cracking, so he just tears a piece off the wall like wet cardboard to enter XDD


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For someone who thinks they can't draw, that map shows pretty good hand-eye coordination, Pry thought skeptically, taking a mental image of the map, then internally scolded herself. Trust, remember? She took a deep breath. Until she knew otherwise, these people were perfect little angels.

Pry fiddled with the buttons on her clothing. All this standing around was making her antsy.


Catching up from two days worth of missed stuff all over. Am I right to assume from my skimming that nothing major has happened?


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55 minutes ago, Silva said:

Catching up from two days worth of missed stuff all over. Am I right to assume from my skimming that nothing major has happened?


Yeah, nothing's happened yet,

though I'm not sure if the map was actually drawn by Damaya, or just put there as an aid OOC, I'll ask @Sorana


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20 hours ago, Sorana said:

yeah that's fine it's an option tho.

Riathor didn't go to the second floor, cuz that's not where everyone else was. Instead, he flew, via Steelpushing, through a hole in the wall on the ground level.

Inside, an assortment of different people did something probably important.

"Hey guys," riathor said, then summoned his Shardblade.

@Cyanic @Silva @Sorana @Grey Knight


I don't know who alls there so i just sommoned all of ya. Sorry


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1 hour ago, Ark1002 said:

I would have joined. Then I got in a duel...


This was made even before the duel, but that was my fault because I didn't specify in the Waystop thread which thread was the one with the side plot, sorry


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@Ark1002  Maybe your duel is finished before we are ;)

@Gancho Libre Sure!

Damaya thought about Araha's question for a while before replying.

"A few days ago the greatest threat was the man himself. But I still believed him to be a normal, if cruel man. So I think you could count my knowledge worthless."

Since nobody else seemed to have a question Damaya grabbed the map and shoved it into her pocket. She then turned around, stepped out ouf the kontor and stopped immediatly, when she was greeted by a man with a shard blade in his had.
she replied to his greeting out of habit. He definitly hadn't been at the Waystop and she had no idea who he was. but he held his blade casually, more like he wanted to be prepared and so she smiled at him. In the end it didn't really matter who helped here. And if he was in league with the man and planed to kill her - she would deal with that as the need arouse.
"I'm Damaya. Welcome at the house, where I grew up."
Coru buzzed slightly on her arm and she added a partial explanation for the corpses in the room behind her:
"We suspect that the men and the woman leading this house are in league with the chaos and want to find out what happens."
She stepped fully into the hallway, taking her staff into her hand.

Heavy footsteps were the only warning she got and then one of the guards rounded the corner to her left. Damaya forced herself to smile at him.
"Hello Duncan."
she greeted the man she had know for several years.
"Good to see you. I brought some friends along, I hope that's all right."
She tried to give her voice something lightweight, as though as everything was allright, but even she herself could her the heaviness underlying her words. He didn't reply, instead she heard more footsteps from the direction of the porch. The second guard approached from behind, apparently they had taken the time to split up. It was only then, that she noticed, the blood dripping to the floor with every step they took and the blank stare of their eyes. There was no recognition there, nothing of the warmth that shone there, when she escaped her rooms and joined them in a card game. No trace of the comfort when they slipped her some lightened spheres. This was wrong.
"Araha, Deras. Can you take over this one?"
she pointed to the guard on the left, blocking their way into the cellar.
"What ever happened to them this is not normal."
She turned around and faced the other one. His steps were blurred, like he drank too much, but his hands held his sword in a tight grip. His shield covered most of his body and his eyes were starring straight ahead.
She threw a glance at Pry and Riathor, careful to leave the wounded woman out of this. She'd already gotten hurt because of this mess.
"I have to admit I'm a bad fighter. Some help would be greatly appreciated."

The guard closed the distance a lot faster than expected and she barly had the time to bring up her staff in front of her to block a hit aiming at her face. Proud that she had blocked the attack she didn't realize that he used his shield to hit her in the side. Pain flared and for a moment she was almost. Then she breathed in some stormlight, it's rage banishing the pain. He stood close, too close for his weapon to bear and for her own to be effective. And his shield was still next to her. Long forgotten lessons started to crawl up to the surface and with a scream she brought up her knee and hit him between his legs. He stumbled backwards and she took the moment to collect herself. This was no training where each successfull block earned her a smile.

@Gancho Libre




@all: feel free to finish the guards off - they don't have any special abilities or something like that (except for the fact that they won't give up). It simply felt illogical if they didn't make an appearance after Deras ripped a part of the wall out.


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"I got this," Araha told Deras, "you make sure everyone's safe," she concluded and stepped into the hallway. Ran, who was scouting before saw this and went back to Araha, growing in size and enveloping Araha's form, giving her a misty, light green afterimage.

She ran up to the other guard, he was using a spear and a shield. The spear was going to be easy to deal with, but less so the shield. The guard jabbed at her with the spear and she leaned to the side the spear missing, and she closed in. She ducked under the spear's range and gripped it tightly, suddenly kicker her knee up and pulling the shaft down, breaking the head of the spear.

The guard tried to slam the shield onto her but she let it hit her in the shoulder, using her other arm to dampen the blow. The guard then reared back, intending to hit her with the edge of the shield. Too slow. She took that opportunity and made to hit the guard's mid-section. Ran went first, a green spectral fist dissipating as it 'hit' with only a small amount of force, but it still made him flinch, interrupting the shield's strike and letting Araha's own fist connect which made him stumble. She didn't give him a chance to recover as she stepped forward and kicked a leg out from under him, the weight of himself, the shield, and the bits of armor making him fall to the ground.

He might not have been all there but he was still moving as proper for a guard, unfortunately for him, Araha didn't train for more than a decade for nothing. On the ground, Araha disarmed him then breathed in a bit of stormlight, just enough to use Adhesion to bind his arms and legs together, "Deras, bring this man to the room," Araha said. The man nodded and brought the guard who was only lightly struggling to the room in one arm, he was careful not to put too much pressure.

Araha stood back up and looked to Damaya fighting the man she seemed to know, and she was winning. Araha wanted to let Damaya end the fight on her own, she had the advantage, but if the guard were to almost kill her friend, she'd be ready to step in.


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Riathor frowned. 'I thought this was a safe place!'

He shook his head, tsking. The guards seemed to be ignoring him, as they probably didn't have orders to kill him, but the only way Riathor would know why in the storms he was sent here, he'd better help the nice people, not the mean guard people.

Thus, he stepped forward, the swung his Shardblade in a casual motion, cutting through two guards. At the end of the swing, he dismissed his blade into mist, then pushed on the metal belt of a third guard, throwing both of them against opposite walls.

Riathor flared pewter, and finally, the guard's hip caved in. Riathor released the Push and composed himself, staring down the other guards.

Riathor sighed. 'Why am I killing people I don't even know?' he wondered.

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Oh. Right.

well, Riathor actually didn't do that, because there was no one to fight, but... well.. he could dream too, ya know.

Well, actually he did, but it was all kinda a blur.

He stepped up to the other, non-dead people.

"So," He asked casually, "Just so ya know you should save some for me next time. What's next?"



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@Gancho Libre

Damaya only pushed him back, for you to kill him ;) I'll asume you hit him, and get on with this. I can always edit and let her - I don't know she's no real fighter, but I'll think of something. Just tell me, if I need to edit/ add that part.

Damaya looked at the man and nodded.
"Sure. I'll keep that in mind."
Shards, he was strange.
"We'll go into the cellar and check if everything's allright there. At least, that's what was suggested."
She smiled at him, tried to understand who he was.
"Would you mind to tell me why you are here? Or at least tell me your name? Maybe while we walk? I don't know when or if they'll attack again."

She turned around and started towards the stairs leading to the cellar, carefull to keep her emotions in check. It was strange to be back and to have five people following her, fighting for her. Or at least they did at the moment. Apart from Araha, she only had talked for a while with Pry. The rest were complete strangers. She had no other option, but to trust them, hope that they didn't belong to the man. Shuddering she grabbed her staff tighter, her knuckles turning white. The man. If the Space Marine woman was right, he would be down there, doing something. And that would mean, that she had to face him. Cold spread during her body and she suddenly had to force herself to take another step. Everything screamed at her to turn around to run away. But she continued to walk down, felt as if she was part of a nightmare. Her own personal nightmare. She stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked around. Nobody was here. Unusual, but in the end it meant, that there were less people that could turn into victims. Stepping back, she waited for the rest to arrive, her fingers tight around the staff to keep them from trembling, showing her silent terror.


@Grey Knight

@Gancho Libre


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After knocking the two guards unconscious and leaving them in the room, Araha addressed the rest of the people, "you don't have to come with us if you don't want to, it might get worse from here on out, but any help you can give is still appreciated." @Gancho Libre @Silva @Grey Knight

With that, she left the room.


She stepped beside Damaya, she was slightly disappointed that Damaya didn't get to beat him by herself, but that was alright. Deras also walked up, Araha glanced at him, getting an idea. She looked toward the stairs.

"We don't know what's actually down there, we've already seen some Chaos and they're probably connected to this place, so we need to be prepared," she said, turning to Deras, "let me see those advanced-reeds again."

Deras nodded and handed them to her. It was unlikely the Skybreakers would do some things about this since it wasn't a kidnapping anymore, so she just kept that specific reed. Instead, she altered the contents of the other one, then sent it. That wasn't as likely to help as the other one, but she still had one last thing that she had, one very annoying distraction. She saved this for if they needed to leave. She kept the reeds.

"Right, Deras, you want to lead?" Araha asked,

"Good idea." He replied and stepped forward, taking the lead, then paused, taking off his helmet and using his mind scan. He determined that there were indeed some presences around, in the basement, but he couldn't distinguish between them. "Be warned: Presences around, unsure if Chaos or other," he said as he re-equipped the helmet.

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