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Hey, I'm Kasimir. Started reading Brandon Sanderson's stuff because I was a Wheel of Time fan, and heard that the author of Mistborn was finishing up WoT. So I started from Mistborn, and eventually branched out from Scadrial to Elantris, Warbreaker, Steelheart, the Rithmatist...and the Way of Kings. (Probably like everyone else here), I've read pretty much everything now, since Mr Sanderson's such an addictively awesome writer, but I've never touched Alcatraz.


Otherwise: still a student, but in my spare time (HA!) I game,  write, try to learn other languages (currently struggling with the German language) and am looking to take up fencing.


I used to lurk on these forums and had difficulty actually trying to sign up (I tried 2 times before and I think it failed?) but finally managed it. Gotta tell ya, it's all those theories about Words of Radiance that brought me out of hiding ;) Well, then: nice to meet y'all!

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Argent: Unfortunately, this is not my real name, although I do like it. Seems a bit off from the usual quasi-symmetry of Alethi names too ;)

LinkasZelda: Whoa, Japanese is hard. And that's pretty amazing--four languages is storming difficult. (Understatement.)

Edited by Kasimir
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Yea, you became much more boring with that admission :P


There are (at least) two different naming conventions in Alethkar btw - one is the "symmetrical except for one letter" (the Shallan-model), and the other one seems to favor three-syllable names with no symmetry anywhere (the Kaladin-model / Dalinar-model). Kasimir fits that.

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Figured :P


Ah yes, you're right--I wasn't sure where to group Dalinar and Elhokar. I believe Kaladin was supposed to go with Shallan though--I seem to remember a WoB along the lines of Kaladin being 'Kalak' with the k removed for quasi-symmetry purposes, and the suffix '-din'?

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Figured :P

Ah yes, you're right--I wasn't sure where to group Dalinar and Elhokar. I believe Kaladin was supposed to go with Shallan though--I seem to remember a WoB along the lines of Kaladin being 'Kalak' with the k removed for quasi-symmetry purposes, and the suffix '-din'?

I would have to agree with this assertion also. There's a part where Kaladin mentions how he hates his name for sounding so similar to a Lighteyes' name. I think that Lirin and Hesina only made a small alteration because of how blasphemous a "true" lighteyes name would be for their Darkeyed son.

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Hmm, no. Kaladin fits the Dalinar-model - it's nowhere near symmetric enough to be filed under Shallan's. To make Kaladin's name symmetric, you'd have to replace half of it, which is about as asymmetric as a name can get. It does come from Kalak, but it's modifications were not inspired by symmetry. Kalakdin just doesn't sound good.

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