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Coming over from TWG


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Hi all,

I've been following Brandon since the first Mistborn book. Right about the time that the WOT announcement came out. I'm a huge fan (obviously) and got to meet him at a signing after TGS was released. I've read all of Dan's books as well. I met him at World Fantasy last year and got to chat with him for awhile. Great guys. I discovered TWG through the comments section of Writing Excuses. That's my main reason for joining, although I do like to keep an eye on the Way of Kings theories. Epic book and I can't wait for the rest to follow.

I'm a midtwenties male living in the northeast. I work at a Health Research Center for a non profit health system. I spent six years in the United States Army (Infantry). I'm a voracious reader, reading anywhere from 1-4 books a week. I prefer fantasy and sci-fi but I also like non fiction. I'm an aspiring author. I've written 5 full length books, a few novellas, and dozen of short stories. My 4th book garnered attention from agents, but no offers. My latest book is a YA modern sci-fi thriller. It's being considered by several agents so I've got my fingers crossed.

So that's enough about me, I'm definitely looking forward to getting to know everyone on the boards here. It seems like a nice, welcoming forum which is increasingly hard to find these days. Something about the internet tends to bring out the worst in people. I'm glad to see that's not the case here.


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Welcome! Thank you for your service! Good luck with your writing. I'm excited to see more of the writing excuses team over here. I haven't been on this site long, but I haven't seen any of the usual nonsense I've noticed when people think they are anonymous.

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Welcome to 17th Shard! I'm glad you found your way over to us. I'm KChan, one of your friendly neighborhood Hemalurgists admins, and I'm also an Army wife! It's nice to see another military face around here. ;) It sounds like your writing career is about to take off, too, so all the best with that!

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Hey, glad to see you switched over too! It would have been strange to see the 'what are you reading right now' thread without you posting a new book every few days, hehe.

hahah, indeed, that would be crazy... Though I did once read Memory, Sorrow and Thorn in a single weekend, and can usually get down and read a big book in one day, like the latest WoT's, or HP7, as examples. It's always fun doing nothing but read :D

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Wow, congrats on completing so many books! I hope you can break in soon.

I'm Eric, and I'm the guy who sits on the forums all day. If you have any site issues, feel free to ask me about them.

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Thanks for all the kind words everyone! Looks like a really good community :-)

@Hubay Haha, is it sad that one of the first things I looked for was to see if they had a thread for what people are reading?

@Chaos Thanks for taking the trouble to shift everything over from TWG. Awesome work that is much appreciated.

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I find that the awesomeness of forums can often be represented by a bell curve with active members on the x-axis, when there are very few members it's boring but when you have lots and lots of members you get a lot of irritating chatspeaking idiots.

Anyway, I can see that your are not an irritating chatspeaking idiot, therefore welcome. You are way ahead of me on the writing thing, I've written two crappy short stories, I'd love to write a novel though. But I suffer from an inability to just write, people keep telling me to just write something, but my ideas all block up in my head and I can't get anything out.

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