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Can someone explain this to me/tell me whether I'm right?


Slivers of a Shard=Power+Mind. The Lord Ruler, Vin, and Kelsier briefly. 


Splinter="raw power"? Honorspren (spren in general?), Seons/Skaze? 


I've always wondered the finer points of this, and it really confuses me during discussions of Higher Cosmerology (courses soon to be offered at BYU). 

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To expand a little on the Splinter, it is a piece of a Shard's power that has gained sentience, but was not sentient in the first place (so a human can never be a Splinter).


Also, I saw a WoB a few weeks back that said that Vin and the Lord Ruler were actually Shards for a brief moment before they turned into Slivers.

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To expand a little on the Splinter, it is a piece of a Shard's power that has gained sentience, but was not sentient in the first place (so a human can never be a Splinter).

Also, I saw a WoB a few weeks back that said that Vin and the Lord Ruler were actually Shards for a brief moment before they turned into Slivers.

My understanding is that the Divine Breaths are also Splinters. Does that mean that they are sentient in and of themselves?

About Vin and The Lord Ruler, that just means that Leras was not holding Preservation while they were at the Well of Ascension, does it not? I wonder what that was like for him.

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About Vin and The Lord Ruler, that just means that Leras was not holding Preservation while they were at the Well of Ascension, does it not? I wonder what that was like for him.

It was, essentially, a trip to the spa. No pressure on ol' Leras. Leras can just sit back in an easy chair and watch his plans come to fruition. He probably had a few rounds of drinks with Hoid while laughing maniacally.

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So a Splinter is the power of the shard, broken up into little pockets and gifted with sentience thanks to the sheer volume of power that breaking God into 16 pieces gives you. Neat-o. 


So what, besides Skaze/Seons and Certain-Spren are Splinters? Are there Splinters on Scadrial and Nalthis? Is Nightblood a Splinter? What about a Returned? 

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Nalthis has Splinters in the form of Divine Breaths. Scadrial does not have any Splinters. I do not believe Nightblood is considered a Splinter. He was Awakened with a massive pool of normal Breaths placed into a sword. I don't think we know exactly how he gained sentience, but I believe his creation makes him different than a Splinter. From what we have seen thus far, Splinters are created directly from Shards, meaning that it is a fragment of power that was once part of the Shard itself's power. Normal Breaths are not Splinters, so their being pooled into a greater power that gains sentience does not necessarily make it a Splinter.

Late edit: Apparently there is WoB that Nightblood is a Splinter, and that anything with enough Investiture becomes one, so basically disregard this post.

Edited by GreyPilgrim
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My understanding is that the Divine Breaths are also Splinters. Does that mean that they are sentient in and of themselves?


This has always been my assumption. I believe the Returned are really just vessels for the Divine Breaths, which is why the personality and memories of their previous lives are erased - Lightsong is not Stennimar come back to life, he is a Divine Breath that inhabits Stennimar's body. I explain the occasional memory, dream, feeling, deja vu, or display of skill by claiming that the Divine Breath doesn't completely wipe off its vessel's brain - motor functions are kept, and so are the parts of the brain responsible for, well, skill. So I guess Stennimar's Cognitive Aspect was replaced by Lightsong, the Breath, while his Spiritual Aspect was kept (largely) the same.

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